
For the longest time, the way this buff works has irked me. It effectively does nothing. Might get an unimportant amount of extra speed from it, but the damaging bolts do nothing even by mid-level, let alone post-70. I’d suggest updating it to actually have a worthwhile effect. For example, +5% damage for each stack, so a full 3 stacks of the effect give a 15% damage buff. That would be useful at all points in the game without being anything overpowered. At the very least, it wouldn’t be utterly pointless, like it is now.

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Maybe sometimes in the distant Future, when " Promise of Glory"-Bracers gets an Update.

But dont expect something to come too soon.

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indeed should be renamed for nephalem shame, because it does nothing :joy: :joy:

Would you like it if it worked like it does on console versions? Meaning without NG you always have 50% damage penalty on.


I agree they should rework neph glory to something more fun. Right now it just seems meh.

I rember farming those globes to prior to killing the key wardens.

lol…PC players would scream blue murder if it worked like the console versions…PC players have it uber easy…

Indeed, the NG may be borderline useless on PC but at least losing NG stacks won’t be detrimental to the gameplay. Which is why complaining about its uselessness is a bit pointless when there are more serious issues as well.

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yeah, but these PC players think it’s a real issue…perhaps they should play the game on console and see how NG works for us before whining about the PC version of the game…

*wasting time darting back and forth to grab NG globes (they typically drop like 50 yards behind your character…)
*until you get NG, you’re at 50% damage (same gear, same character, same build, same paragon, you get the drift as the PC version of the game)…
*die and you lose your NG stacks…
*RGs with no add ons are problematic as no way to renew NG and if you’re NG stack is low when the RG spawns, you’re reduced to fighting said RG at 50%…
*NG kill streaks…console players have to deliberately stop their kill streak (counter intuitive to the game design, which is kill monsters, and we also lose out on XP too from reduced kill streaks)…anything above 50 or 75 kill streaks is BAD, since NG drops at 100, 150, 200, 250, and from memory, 300 and stops dropping after that…
*getting NG when pushing to your limit on console is very difficult - it’s a catch 22 loop, where we need max dmg to progress through the GR, but we can’t cos we’re stuck at 50% dps and can’t kill quick enough to generate NG - PC doesn’t have this issue at all!

Homerjnick outlined the issues in the console subforum, we still haven’t had a blue respond to any console posts in like 2 or 3 years now…

The last time a Blizzard rep commented on NG on console, they blatantly LIED about it and how it works. It doesn’t foster a feeling that Blizzard cares or understands console related issues…


There are certainly more serious issues, but does that mean we should ignore the less-serious issues? They are both issues, after all, and so both deserve to be talked about. As for the former part of your post, how would NOT having 15% more damage be “detrimental”? If someone’s build’s success is based entirely on having that damage buff, then they are shooting way above their heads. The buff should just be making something a player can already do, easier - not making something previously impossible, possible.

@dpastern Similar to what I said to Kirottu, just because it’s not as much of an issue as it is on console, doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. I’ve played the console version and it is awful. A-W-F-U-L. And I’m a console gamer, not a PC gamer, primarily. I’m not saying that out of any platform bias. The console version is legitimately trash. Therefor, I do not play the console version, and therefor, any input I give in the forums would be geared toward the platform I’m affected by - PC. Does the console version need to be fixed? Desperately. But that’s an entirely different subject for a different thread that’d take FAR more time to smooth out. This thread is just about how NG works on PC. I’m not treating it like it’s particularly important, because it’s not. It is not actively harmful (Looking at you, console), just woefully underutilized, so it deserves to be mentioned as a fix, but not with any form of urgency.

P.S. Latter was meant to be a separate reply, but holy hell, these forums don’t make posting easy. Tried 5 times to find a way to post either separately or delete and retry posting, but nope. So this was a fumbled attempt to reply to both that ended up being a reply to only Kirottu. There’s a reason I’ve avoided posting in these forums for so long. This setup is nightmarish.


All good, don’t stress about it.

I do get what you’re saying, but in reality, the issues with console are of a far higher degree, and require far more urgency imho. It seems that Blizzard is only interested in fixing issues with the PC version of the game…despite console players screaming for years.

OK, I get, we’re a minority, with probably close to 700k players globally on both ps4 and xbox 1 at peak, and the majority of those probably use modded gear too (that’s also directly Blizzard’s fault I might add). 700k is not a small number, and it’d be higher too if the issues with the console ports were fixed (less character slots than PC, less stash than PC, NG mechanic, constant lag/stutter even on solo play that approaches server issues with the PC version of the game).

In the priority of things, consoles need a lot of love from Blizzard. Will we get it? I highly doubt it. But console players should still be standing up and screaming blue murder in very loud voices.

For me, I won’t be purchasing another Blizzard game. They have show that they cannot be trusted to provide proper, decent support to games post release. I know many PC players will scream that that’s a lie, but hey look at the console port…I also know that many PC players will simply retort “oh it’s only console, who cares, they’re not real players and they all use hacked items and cheat” in their elitist attitudes. Blizzard seemingly feeds on that attitude - console was released for $$$$ where Blizzard decided to drop the support ball and blame it in Microsoft and Sony, instead of their own lazy behinds.