Nephalem Glory Fix

This is not anothe they pleas fix or get rid of the mechanic for our double damage. I offer a simple solution especially in group pushes with support characters…

Buff the Promise of Glory from 6% to 20% MINIMUM and boom no worrying about streak nearly as much and it would be a big benefit to group pushes for ya console players

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Especially in group pushes? Really? Your solution only affects “group play”. It does nothing to help solo’s.
Also, as a “group push” player, I couldn’t care less about 6% or 20% of 2000% buff on the bracers. I can pop globes 5 seconds into the rift and keep DPS at 2-3 min level entire 15 minutes.
Thanks for your suggestion, but Blizz should really get rid of it.


Because when I’m by myself I don’t have an issue killing the streak. In a group it’s much more difficult. It’s that simple. If your killing stuff that fast your either not pushing. Or you already at 150 NS and this post doesn’t apply to you.

Im not getting my hopes up for them getting rid of it but this a simple solution for group pushes in season.

Then you are not pushing Solo…when pushing GR135+ solo NG is just as big as an issue solo as it is in a GR150 in a 4 man group.

The better solution is, for GR’s, just give us the buff NG gives us.


I don’t disagree it’s is a issue but killing the streak solo is not. Unless you have self communication issues :joy:. I say all this play HC season so nobody is pushing 135 solo yet that is playing legit so that number is out the window.

Honestly it’s all relative to you skill anyways a 100 can be a push for some while for us it’s not. Regardless instead of getting you hopes up for a mechanic that is obviously deeply ingrained into the console game, I ask for a simple buff that benefits most of us (not solo).

Instead of whining about my idea come up with something other than ‘this needs fixing’ because barking up that tree hasn’t done anything obviously.

This has been adressed since release of patch 2.0.6.

Older threads are not available anymore.

There is only one solution!


So I apologize if I haven’t read back into everything I literally bought the game 3 weeks into season 20. When you say it was fixed then I assume it’s more like pc? I only ask because since buying the game and getting addicted like a madman and see posts on here mabye once a week about it so I assumed there was no fix.

Though I’d fully understand if it’s newbies like me asking for something that’s why I though I’d throw a different idea out there.

Actually there is no fix since release. NG only matters really when you push to your limits. In groups you can run NG setup with Blind Faith and Glory bracers if needed. Solo u cant without salvaging tons of DPS. Just do not die if RG spawns and hope he has minions to spawn new globes.


That’s why I suggest a buff to the promos of glory for group pushes. I know I’m not the only one who pushes with someone not form my country and they are super good support. But sometimes just sometimes they don’t understand what we mean by kill the streak.

Even with this bracers on 6% isn’t enough to not worry about it on your groups pushes. That’s why I think it should be 20% at least. A globe in 1/5 kills is great imho

Hhhhmmm I’ve been here for years talking about this subject…the reality is they need to take it away and give us the buff, it is that simple.

You say it is relatively skill based…its not for solo players…you do a GR135 solo, hit an elite at the start of your GR or in SC die you have no NG…instantly gimping your run.

Have a pet build or Damage over Time build then even stopping killing to reset your streak to then get NG in the next ten kills can be harder given the kill streaks are maintained by you NOT attacking but your pets do or your DoT is ticking.

Your offer of buffing Promise of Glory solves nothing but multiplayer and the reality is GR150 in 4 man is far easier to contend with in terms of NG (zdps monk or barb simple runs Promise) compared to solo…buffing Promise of Glory to 100% won’t do anything for solo builds and leaderboard entries.

The only real answer is remove NG from GR’s and give us the buff.

My real gripe is we have an EXTRA mechanic to contend with in GR’s over and above PC where the mechanic is outdated to the point it has so many issues on consoles.

The reality is we have been discussing it on here for years to the point I made a 30 minute video on the stupid thing!

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You dont need a kill to proc the bracers just blind an enemy. But thats not the point. No one would use this bracers solo. And is the only point where NG stinks. For group play supports run promise setup but only cos losing NG buff during RG fight.

Its like Homer said. Just give us perma NG in GR. A buff for a useless bracer is kinda foolish. If played correct you gain enough globes even with 6%. But this whole setup is idiotic.


group players don’t tend to give a crap about solo players…

and we should continue to bark up the tree and boycott Blizzard games until they fix it properly (remove NG and make it the same as PC). Console NG mechanic causes a host of issues - having to drop kill streaks, wasting resources to dart around to pick the damn things up…so on, and so forth.


Correct. Or, spawn the RG, die and lose NG and you’re screwed for the rest of the fight and miss out on a clear…had that happen in s13…would have been rank 9 if I’d made the clear…

The mechanic SUCKS. it affects solo players far more than group players too.

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Well I’m on HC so this whole you die and lose NG doesn’t tickle me at all :joy:

Don’t get me wrong I’m not against them axing it I just don’t have hope for it. Unless you can get blizzard to crack by saying the NG is prejudice or something and have the media all over it :rofl:

I admire people commenting on this issue and new threads but lets get real here.

We have advocated a discussion and a change to this and Blizz have stated their viewpoint back in the old thread on the old forum and since then never ever commented on it…thus we accept that given there is no change in 4 years to this system/mechanic after we have pointed it out there is a low chance it will ever change.

The seasonal console players who play every season is diminishing and even with our new CM’s appointed by Blizz they still do not post in “discussions” on the Console threads.

This issue is here to stay and we simply adapt to it.

Not right but it is what it is.

D4 will be online saves along with no lastgen issues thus the game should be the same experience no matter the platform and with it issues like the woeful NG on console.


I’m also hoping to be able to switch between controller and mouse/keyboard for D4 depending on my hands hurting

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You are aware that dropping your killstreak requires not just stop killing, but stop hitting/doing damage altogether? To achieve this you must waste TIME that you could have been doing damage.

I have crunched the numbers in previous posts about NG, but here goes again.

Starting the rift at half damage, taking 45-60 seconds to spawn your first NG is wasting 22.5 to 30 seconds as you would have killed those enemies twice as fast. Each time you have to drop killstreak(stop attacking), it wastes 6-10 seconds, average of 8 seconds. NG only stacks to 2.5 minutes but the character detail sheet rounds it up to 3 minutes as a dispkay only. So in a 15 minute push, you waste 8 seconds everytime you have to drop. If dropping every 2 minutes, thats 7 drop for 7×8= 56 seconds. Lastly, NG is shot behind the character 30-40 yards 90% of the time. To pick them up, we often waste 2 seconds of time diverting our character to pick them up. At 20 seconds per globe and 15 minutes in a rift, thata 45 globes we must pick up. 45×2seconds= 90 seconds wasted. Total time wasted because of NG in highest push is roughly just shy of 3 minutes. So, we are forced to complete a 15 minute rift while only effectively doing 12 minutes worth of damage. That puts us at a loss of 20% if we are playing to the NG mechanic perfectly. If NG buff drops at any point, thats another 20-30 seconds wasted. TIME IS DAMAGE!

Increasing the % chance on promise of glory is pointless, as a goid support running the current 6% can already provide 99% perma NG bonus to the group. The 1% is for the first few seconds it takes to get the first NG to spawn. So sorry, but your recommendation wouldn’t even improve MG mechanics in group pushes.

The above wasted time calculations are about solo play, but it still affects group play as we have to spec out supports to generate NG. If we did not have to (like pc) our support chatacters could contribute other mechanics like extra strong arm bracers, or leoric crown for more cdr or rcr. Ultimately NG generation subtracts from group potential, which also means less damage or more time wasted.

If they just brought us into parity with PC, solo and group play would improve.

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