Need To Stop Changing D2R

The D2R PvP system is not broken, it’s how it’s supposed to be and how it has been for the last 20 years.

  • If you don’t want to get ganked in publics, make a private. Make friends, add them, or grow a spine and actually fight.

The D2R Loot system is not going to change, it’s what makes Diablo 2, Diablo 2… And how it has been for the past 20 years…

  • If you don’t want to share your drops, make a private game… Or go farm in public games and simply don’t party with any so they can’t see where or what you’re doing.

Blizzard needs to stop changing or even consider changing the core and fundamental elements of Diablo 2. This isn’t Diablo 3, this isn’t Warcraft. I advise new players to find something else to play or even pick up Diablo 3 because most of the changes they want is exactly how it is in that game.

So please stop crying and trying to guilt Blizzard Devs into accommodating to your “needs”. Because this game is fine how it is. It’s been fine for the last 20 years.


this guys… stop this millenials bs everythign must be served on an silver plate to be acceptable…


The crybaby handholding generation will try to ruin everything they can…I hate my generation.


Up next : Spiders are too graphic!


Old friends Take care of diablo2. Dont permit change game dynamic. They dont know what is diablo 2. They dont know diablo2 legend of games. Why we are waiting to be published 20 years old game, because new generation games wreck. They give examples from diffrent games for diablo2. Diablo2 father of games dont need system advice from diffrent games


The gamers of the Age of Entitlement have been refining a theory: If enough of us complain for a change, we will create a critical mass and our demands will be met. And regardless of if they are or aren’t, we’ll just move on to the next “big thing” and try to demand change there, too, destroying every game in our path.


Blizzard should make a legacy server and a modern server type. Also, no one is suggesting to change loot. Only add an additional option that changes nothing for anybody that does not want to play that way. It’s a QoL improvement. It would help to understand the argument before you try to respond to it first. Otherwise you end up looking pretty silly.

Also, many of the people suggesting this are players with thousands of hours under their belts. Trying to make this about a generation Z thing is hilarious.


Here you go again, expecting Blizzard to accommodate you.


It’s just the strangest thing in the world. You think offering a suggestion and feedback implies someone is demanding and expecting a result. I think I’m just going to gloss over your posts because they don’t make any sense.


Like I said before, you should be refining your approach toward suggesting easier modding capabilities. Blizzard doesn’t have to do as much heavy lifting to make that come to fruition and the modders would take care of everything on your wish list. What is the problem?

But you go ahead and jump to the next thread asking for two servers, which will never happen.


Correct just let the Moders create their fancy world with lower drop rates and super dooper content that one-shots you. But let the ppl that like the game as it is enjoy it.


This is the dumbest post on this thread. As if Millenials are the problem, boomer PLEASE. I’m 30 and played this game 10k+ hours…


How about “if you don’t want changes, play D2 instead.”

In the several polls I have seen, each with thousands of responses, the community generally favors, or at least doesn’t hate, the game getting changed, especially in regards to QoL.


Hip waders anyone? It’s getting deep.

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Not only that, the actual veterans that are still playing to this day overwhelmingly prefer private servers with heavily modded versions of Diablo 2 including balance changes, item filters, you name it. That is what the Diablo 2 community actually wants.

The people claiming to be purists and veterans (at least to a high degree) likely haven’t touched the game for over 15 years and are just interested in the nostalgia factor. They will leave very soon after launch.


D3 carebears man.

They want ploot, most of that crowd wants consensual dueling and no open world PvP.

They don’t want an engaging experience, they want to tap Baal with 20 damage from 40yds away, then look back at their iPhone, check their Facebook.

When they finally hear Baal die, they slowly look back at the screen and walk over to get their personal loot that patiently awaits them on the ground. They don’t feel like picking it up yet because their cousin Frank just posted a dog catching a Frisbee and he needs a like.

xXPK_GodXx has joined the session. They look up and shrug. The pker teleports into Baal’s throne room and spams duel. The carebear chuckles, grabs his personal loot and looks for another bot game to join.

Welcome… to D2R (AFK Heroes Edition).


You learned about D2 last week.


I’ll never understand why people feel like they need to be babied and handheld while playing a video game…

The options are there for these kinds of people to enjoy the game the way they want, use them. If you want a safe and secure environment to play in, you invite friends that you trust in to a private game with a password…

D2 has ALWAYS been like this… you NEVER, EVER, enter pub games expecting to find loot or have a fair experience… It’s literally stepping in to a forest fire when you play in pubs.

The only thing that’s guaranteed in pub games is more experience gain if you’re grouping… that’s it…

Don’t expect to be catered to, make friends, given hand outs, or get anything that drops on the ground because it’s survival of the fittest and it’s first come first serve…

There’s nothing more upsetting than playing in a pub and some leech comes and grabs some awesome unique or rune that drops on the ground after hovering in the back of the pack the entire time… so yeah, if you don’t want your hard earned gear ninja’d, stay the hell in private games.


So why don’t you do that and make the FFA standard games you like. No one is forcing you to play the optional ploot mode. Feeling threatened because other players want to enjoy the game differently than you do, with nothing affecting your gameplay, is the childish response. The Diablo 2 community wants new ways to play it. This is proven by the success of private servers and their mods. Barely anyone even plays bnet D2 anymore. You’d be hard pressed to ever find even a stream of it on Twitch.

Your inability to handle the fact that others want to enjoy the game differently than you is disturbing. It has no affect on you what so ever, yet you are unwilling to accept it. The Diablo 2 community should not have to settle for what you claim is the gold standards. Public games can’t be item hunt games because of one thing: scripts like Pickit. This is what you are supporting by standing against the mere option to negate scripts in a public game. An option that doesn’t affect you at all.


Even Llama plays mostly on modded D2 now. Are you going to say Llama learned about the game last week too?