Need some advice on gearing S6 impale

I started playing DH 2 weeks ago and now not sure what to farm or spend crafting mats on. Currently, I don’t know what to focus on, so advice is appreciated. thanks for reading :slight_smile:

EDIT: Not sure why my profile isn’t showing my characters, perhaps it’s because they’re on Asia server?

Here’s your Asia region Impale DH…

As I can’t read Korean, I can’t see which affixes you have on your gear so I can only suggest…
…and replacing the non-ancients with ancients so you can apply Caldessan’s Despair to them.

Thanks for the advice and the link, sadly I can’t switch the profile to English. I get better ping on Asia than US server.

I’ll farm some ancient pieces and augment them. Would it be better to focus on pieces that won’t be replaced by the upcoming crafted set changes? I assume Captain Crimson’s or Aughild’s would be upgrades for impale build?