Need Progression Tips

Hi Guys,
I had started playing back D3 after 4 years and I was using FOH FireStarter build back then (

I’m quite confused and lot of things added on D3 so my question is any suggestion for progressing further on end game content? Like what I should be doing with my current status and what are the areas I should focusing for now. I would also appreciate if someone can post different types of Crusader build here.


I would recommend looking up the Blessed Shield or Condemn builds. They have the best item multipliers for Crusader builds.

Blessed Shield: Gyrfalcon Foote, Jekangboard, Akkhan Leniency, Akkhan Manacles

Condemn: Blade of Prophecy, Frydehr Wrath

If you get the Legacy of Dreams Legendary Gem you can kind of build whatever you want and slowly start to earn progression.

I would just run Greater Rifts until you have better gear that synergizes and then increase the difficulty.

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