Need more specific choices for group joins

We need to be able to make a groups like d2. Not just join grp for greaters. I don’t know what the grp wants cuz we don’t talk. I joined the same game 4 times in a row, even after waiting a few mins. Like have someone make a game just to do greater 110 to lvl up gems and grind paragon. Or join a grp that wants to push.

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Join communities mate. You will love them

To be fair, this is not the most critical feature.

But it’s a good request I think. Maybe they should make a system something like WoW’s group finder, where you can specify certain activities that you plan to have, as well as set up limits for the players.
And when you open the game to public - only those who meet that criteria in their search see your lobby.

For example you can chose bounties / rifts / GR / Campaigh / whatever the analogs of all of that in D4 are.
And you can specify minimum survivability and damage for prospective players, so that piggyback-riders can’t join you.