Natalya lag issue

Just wanted to say something I have noticed. Whenever there are more than two DH’s running Natalya’s, or two Natalya DH’s and Tal Meteor wizard, the game lags so bad that it pretty much freezes about 65% of the time for me. So much so that the map stops loading and the mobs become invisible. It also causes you to rubberband all over the screen.

Not sure if it is because of all the effects on the floor for the meteors and like 50+ traps at once.

I was running a 4man Nats group without problem. Most likely culprit of the lag is Area damage as that has always caused problems.

Yes, it’s Demon Hunter’s newest Akkhan Condemn.

Those little traps should sit there for a moment before a harder hitting, strategic detonation.

Big booms.

Dmkt,may I ask a important question?Strafe Nataya,Area Damage can work or not? like Avatar phalanx condemn AD totally can’t work?

No area damage from N2. It is a wasted affix.

Thank you. At present, the most powerful Rune of the Spike Trap is the Lighting Rune. Can you tell me why your Nataya’s glove use Area Damage rather than CDR on the GR 144 record of the ptr?

I did the Area Damage testing after the push. I like to have fun first! I have retuned my gear, will try a 146 next.

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An Asian Diablo 3 expert concluded:Spike Trap triggered by N2 has no proc coefficiency and do not trigger Area Damage. Whether there is Area Damage and proc coefficiency for each round of detonation depends only on the last trap placed.

Just cleared GR146 in 14:35. Interesting tip. btw.

I highly recommend Hungering Arrow as the generator. Is it possible that the generator with the longest flight time is best able to maximize Lightning Rod?

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Mr. dmkt,Is it necessary to buff Natalya 6p to 20000%? Many sets 6p are 20000%, such as AoV, H90, Might of the earth, etc.

Leal, I think certain core mechanics will be changed to make for more engaging play.

But if for some reason we receive a version of Natalya’s very close to the PTR…

Survival was rough at 6800 paragon, I play this build aggressively, continually Strafe towards elites — I just don’t think we’ll see 3-4kp GR150 clears like with Meteor.

2k paragon players will wear CC3, MoC and Wraps, or the Guardians variant.

That said, assuming nothing changes and Strafe stays as the meta, bringing it to 15000% would make it VERY desirable compared to the very best S-Tier builds.

Personally, I hope to see refinements. Strafe is fine for speeds, but it’d be nice to squeeze extra juice by doing something other than holding down one click and tapping the other every 2-3 seconds regardless of the combat situation.

Charging up the trap potency after laying 10 is a good place to start.

I’d look to changing N2 a bit. Converting Custom Trigger into the meta push rune with 5000% weapon damage, large 20 yard detonation radius and potentially allowing AD to proc.

I suspect they may change N2 behavior, only working with Primary and Secondary skills, and/or overriding the rune’s detonation method.

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So hey, did you manage to verify Leal’s assertion, that if the last trap placed in a sequence is manually cast, then all will proc AD? That seems like it would make a pretty large difference in damage output, especially in a good rift with high density.

Also, let’s check-in about other stuff…

Yes, I have confirmed it, place 4 traps with a spell like Vault, walk away, apply Spike Trap far from enemies. Detonate while shooting at open space. Observed these numbers with 130% AD and 100% CHD.

1027k, 4247k striking same target.
This is essentially an area damage crit.

It’s MUCH harder to discern what’s happening with with Scatter + Lightning Rod because there are two sets of damage values.

1608k, 3216k, 3859k, 4180k, 4824k, 6110k, 143M, 260M
Clearly some number combining is occuring.

I went back to push a build without Strafe and tested this theory. I doubled up, went with Ess of Johan to ensure tight density and just put down the manual Spike Trap when it procced and on oculus rings. GR140 in 14:18, no conduit.

I went to 152% AD and I lost the game, CDR dropped from ~55% to 43%. Died so many times on the next round, but succeeded with 14:52.

Revisited again and did GR141 in 14:15 with the AD setup, once more doing GR142 in 14:11.

For manually cast ST to be an effective strategy a couple things must happen:

  1. Set the 6pc chain bonus ti ~30% and calculate like 10,000% * 1.3n
  2. Manually pressing the Spike Trap button doubles the damage of your next detonation chain. Stick that on the 2pc or 6pc bonus.

The gameplay isnt’ bad without Strafe, it reminds me of UE. I’d like to see that detonation chain hit like a truck at the precise moment I trigger it.