Name one thing you would like to see in the next patch

Hey there
Would love to see them separate classes in the leader boards
so instead just haven it demon hunters … _can be classed as suit
EG shadow
No suit
as I see 99% of the leader boards right now are no suit… I would love to see this change so you could really see how well one is doing in the leader boards without having to look at every profile to see what they were running… Suit no suit which class :wink:
Another great thought would be to help out with all these useless primals that we get … Have a reroll in the cube … But make it cost like 500 souls so one would still have to work for it , But could change it to something else in its class or a different roll on stats for the crappy ones LOL :slight_smile:
Oh and a better system on GR’s … So many people in public its hard to know who can play and who cant … Maybe a set of gr lvl’s where you can request something your looking for EG…Zmonk Zbarb
One other thing with all the Bots running on here now, It would be nice if you could right click on there profile and report them… I know everyone wants to get ahead in the game, But some of us work very hard to get were we are and I dislike seeing cheaters get ahead .
RNG on primals… WOW is all I can say LOL
I stay at home and play all day for 10 hours and not get a single primal while my wife is at work and she comes home and Bang 2 primals in an hour … She does this to me all the time … I think that should be looked at in the future for sure.

Thanks for your time


permanent mages for necro.


I would remove the ability of certain monsters to reflect projectiles back at their attacker(s). It makes the builds that rely on projectiles (e.g. Impale, Blessed Shield, etc.) virtually unplayable in certain scenarios in Hardcore mode. I cannot count the number of incredulous players who have posted in the forums to complain that their Hardcore hero died to a “glitch” or “bug”; even the game does not have the ability to attribute the source of damage to a slain hero. It is a wonky mechanic, which the Developers should at least address in writing in the next set of patch notes.

Note: The ability of certain monsters to reflect projectiles is not to be confused with the Reflects Damage affix that appears under the health bar of certain Elite packs.


I wouldn’t mind if LoD max level was reduced to 50 instead of 99.


I want Primal items to be such that you can reroll every attribute (or at least 2). Ramadamaling Gift should be able to socket off-hand items as well. Follower tokens should always be “Does not die”, with either the 50% CDR or use all powers.


A buff to Danetta’s or another legendary item that boosts Vault in a damage-dealing capacity.


Season theme and rewards worth coming back for.

2 skill points per level, or still the same? Because Hell at 50 without additional skill points might get dicey for certain classes.

Auto pickup DBs, gems and mats (just like gold)


I liked the idea someone else suggested of having a system like Bounties-meets-Rifts, i.e. you take out a generic act bounty, and you have a bar for that act that fills up as you do various things in that act (complete events, kill monsters, kill bosses). Once you max out the bar at 100% you can redeem it for a reward. This lets you get rewards for doing all sorts of things, not just the specific assigned bounties.


Yeah, the numbers would be re-adjusted so that a newly adjusted level 50 LoD would equal to the current level 99 LoD.

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all normal gems (all levels) and keymaster keys in a seperate autostash, like it is now with commodities, uber-fight-mats and bounty-mats.


For me, I’d like to see the D4 trailer appear on the battlenet launcher. :wink:

A reason to play Campaign mode. If there was a guaranteed high quality drop (like a primal every time you complete the campaign from start to finish) then it would be potentially worth running the campaign.


I’ve said it before… Sort Urshi’s upgrade screen by level. Trivial effort, much QoL.


Something I thought about regarding campaign mode a few months back:

  • Goblin Shrine & Portal
  • All Different Goblin variants (except prob blood and rainbow gob)
  • Bounty Cache reward for completing an act
  • Random Cursed Chest, Shrine, or Portal events
  • One guaranteed ancient or primal legendary upon completing Campaign Mode.

If campaign mode offered these, then it’d give players a decent farming alternative to nephalem rifts and/or bounties.


I’d really like to see rerolling properties at the Mystic tackled - it’d be fab if you could specify precisely the property you were hunting for (say, 20% to fire skills) and then just smash that reroll button until it came up (or you ran out of crafting mats), rather than having to click ‘replace property’ and then choose one of the two new properties or keep the original one each time. A true first world problem (woe is me, I have to click TWO different buttons!), but it grinds my gears something fierce :sweat_smile:

Another small thing, but I’d also like to see bounties addressed in such a way that doing them solo, or in a group smaller than a full 4-person party, didn’t feel like a penalty.


something that would make useless legendary gems actually useful. . . XD

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Although this is one of the more simpler solutions, it definitely is one of the better ones. It certainly would fix Firebirds.

imo it currently is the set with the worst mechanics in the game.

That was actually me who suggested that.
You described very well what I had in mind, though it was not a progress bar per act, but rather per zone. But a progress bar per act could work as well.

I would go even further and say that you should be able to choose the affix you want to have.

If you wanna have x% fire damage on an item, you simply choose it and it rolls from 15-20% fire damage. Of course for a lot of increased rerolling costs. Then, when you reroll it the next time, it can only roll in x% fire damage again anywhere between 15-20%.


If you sort the gems in your Stash by their rank, they’ll be sorted the same way when Urshi shows them to you. Isn’t that also pretty trivial?

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