[NA] Season end time

yea I feel like crying, I didnt even check I just saw season 25 starts dec. 10th so I thought I had time I was 1 achievement away from part 4 to get the wings spent all day playing took a break and went back and its all gone.

After 24 seasons it is what it is. I play for hour after 5 PM then have dinner on the west coast (PST). It’s what we lived with for a long time. East Coast (EST) it’s starts 8 pm and they can’t stay up as late as the west coast US players. There are Australia players that prefer to use the American servers to start.

PST is a timezone roughly in the middle of the NA region which, as we’ve recently established, spans the Pacific from Australia/NZ to the East coast of the USA.

The season was over 3200 hours long.

All items remain in your internal mail for 30 days from season end. You can even do it in between playing next season if you must.

From there you can select which items to save and which to delete. (Note deletion doesn’t give you any salvaging mats)

Do you mean Australian/NZ players choose to play on US servers rather than Australian servers? Or that the Australian servers are part of the NA region? (Both true statements.)

Looking it up:

Blockquote The three play regions are: Americas for players in North America, Latin America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
Europe for players in the European Union, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, and the Middle East. Asia for players in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

So it’s just interesting that’s the case compared to Korea servers. Probably has to do with proportionate server loading they found.:slightly_smiling_face: