My stash didnt get the extra place

That’s assuming @BATMAN is going to play a Seasonal Character AND a Solo Seasonal Character. I was trying to keep it simple to avoid confusion.

Are you sure they all transfer over to non-Season when the Season ends?

There is no Solo non-Season Mode. All Seasonal and Solo Seasonal Characters are converted to non-Season.

I’m not disagreeing with you. I just have no way to test this since I’ve already earned my maximum Stash Tabs on all 3 Regions.

Perhaps @BATMAN can test this when Season 31 begins. They would need to:

  1. Complete Season 31 through the Conqueror Chapter with a Seasonal Character.
  2. Complete Season 31 through the Conqueror Chapter with a Solo Seasonal Character.
  3. Check non-Season for 11 Stash Tabs. (Or 12 if they do SSF in Season 30).
    * 5 Tabs on Page 1.
    * 5 Tabs on Page 2.
    * 1 (or 2) Tabs on Page 3.
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I thought that he has 9 tabs now…
he’s not going to have 12 if he does the 2 seasonal modes next season…

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Sorry. You are correct. When I typed that, I had “10” on my brain for some reason. I’ll edit that post. (Thanks)

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No worry… Just trying to keep stuff straight.

OP also created a topic on the French forums… saying he doesn’t have the 3 pages…
I thought your last reply was fairly explicit… not sure what the issue is.


I wish his profile was visible…

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Yeah. Same here.

OK – the change in BattleTag is the likely culprit… God knows how long that’s going to be before it actually shows up… :frowning:

Last question, I promise… how the deuce did you get the 2 URLs from his post here ???

  1. First I clicked the Reply button directly under their Post #9.
  2. Then I clicked the “Quote whole post” icon on the editor toolbar (first one that looks like a text bubble).
  3. I edited out the extraneous parts, which left the image album URL.

Like this:

Then I just selected the URLs, one at a time, right-clicked on them and selected to open link in a new tab.

This gave me: and

Next, I right-clicked on each of the images (within the image website) and selected to open image in a new tab, which gave me: and

Finally, I used those two URLs to embed the images.

(What we do to help these people out…   Right?   )


No problem keeping it simple. Just seems the OP wants his tabs now. If he wants them fast, he should be able to get 2 a season.

Not 100% as to why I put the “note” in my post. As I said in that, I don’t have characters in Euro or Asia, but I am too lazy to test it myself. I am highly confident it works that way since:

all my mats and gear were added from last season to non-season from SSFM and regular mode

the SJ for SSFM and regular are separate giving you a Haedrig’s gift in each, which is not true for SC to HC playing on the same mode. If you play regular HC and regular SC, you get one Haedrig’s total and 1 tab total. If you play regular HC/SC and SSFM HC/SC, you get 2 Haedrig’s gift and I am assuming 2 tabs.

other people are confirming it works that way (which is a known fact, if someone says it on the internet, it must be a fact :wink:).

so with these 3 things going for it, I am highly confident you can get 2 in a season, but I am not betting my retirement on it.

Yups. And if they have already done it once on S30, they can do it on the other mode this season and give us confirmation either way.

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Neat trick — I didn’t know that… thanks !

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I can confirm that too… tested last season.