My season 28 wish

If you remove the potion/pylon alter seal and replace it with:

Your Hellfire Ring and Amulet can now roll 2 passive bonuses each.
Your Hellfire Amulet can roll (minimum 3) up to 4 passive bonuses.

It would make uber farming a thing other than season journey. It would make necklace crafting valuable and add lots of variety.

We’d still wear Squirts. That damn thing is just phenomenally OP in its slot.


Squirt should never be eliminated. If you operate well, you can have 100% damage increase, which is a reward for your good operation.And it makes the useless shield pylon very useful.

Sadly part of the power creep is due to squirts, focus/restraint, just big dumb flat damage on everything instead of specialized damage. You could still cube squirts. I just hate seeing Hellfire items being so useless.

God I remember when they were BiS for a lot of builds. I spent hours farming Uber Bosses for materials to try and craft that perfect Hellfire. You used to be able to get groups together for farming material without much effort.