My item got nerf after transmo of wirt leg!

i transmo my ancient in-geom into a wirt leg than after her dps DROP ! the weapon was at 29** dps and now only have 427.3… i cant do nothing now ! :frowning:. the weapon keep the same stats and level by drop the dps. please help, i try with remove the transmo of wirt leg but the weapon dont come back too her normal dps ! :sob:

You should reroll “Reduce all resources costs” back to “+xxxx Damage”.


Oh…for f…oh man…

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This, right here.
You removed your actual damage stat.
It has nothing to do with transmog.


This comes up so frequently in the Bug Report forum that it’s been added to the stickied thread…


It’s beyond mindboggling how often this comes up still. It’s understandable that some aspects of the game might be little confusing to newer players but this falls in the category of “common sense”.

There’s absolutely no reason to reroll the raw damage of the weapon unless:

  1. You play thorns or zDPS build and you want something more useful instead.
  2. The damage value is low and other affixes are good.
  3. You want different damage element. This is only worth in exceptional cases like wanting to proc Essence of Anguish with classes that normally don’t deal poison damage.

It is easy to make this mistake if, say, you enchant first and then perform the tran wiggle, since they are in the “same place” and you don’t need to look at the stats, specifically.

But, yeah, rolling for lower damage is naturally going to cause lower damage.