My current Gold in Diablo Immortal

My in-game wealth :point_down:

I am now currently in the final difficulty of the game, and my character barely has extra gold to save. I think I never reach 1 million gold. The monsters in the game are rather stingy. These monsters usually drop 80+~100+ gold and it is not even guaranteed gold. The gold reward for quest completion wasn’t great either.

Also, there is no easy way to get gold like in Diablo 3 (boon of Hoarder + Vault). You can’t even sell items for quick gold either.

Where is all my gold spent? Well, because of the male version of Kadala that only accept the gold currency.

Well, just letting you guys on how DI handles the gold and gold sink in the game. Even without a repair feature as a gold sink, normal DI players will have trouble accumulating insane gold wealth in the game…unless you don’t want to do business with male Kadala, which wasn’t a good decision as male Kadala is your greatest source of getting the upgrade for your character.

I heard that D4 has a lot of gold sink features, which I am glad to hear but then, I also heard that it is easy to accumulate gold in the D4…but I am not sure how “easy” that it will be, but I hope that D4 will not shower the gold to the players in the endgame like what D2 and D3 did.

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I very much agree with that.

Yes please.

Imo the main source of gold should be vendoring items. Gold should not really drop from monsters. Maybe some from chests.

As for gold sinks

Gold sinks are good, but I sure dont like gambling in these games. Moving item acquisition over from killing monsters, to clicking an NPC in town. So bad.


I think it was reasonable. Since gold is all porpuse resource mostly, gambleing and brakeing down items doesn’t cost gold. I couldn’t accumulate more than i realy needed.


  • If you’re a Shadow, raiding the Vault gets you a lot of gold every week (hundreds of thousands) from the first 40 chests you open.
  • If you’re an Immortal, you get a large amount of gold at the end of each defence week depending on your reign’s length / dominance level.

The Treasure Hunter paragon tree specifically has a node in it that gives extra gold drops from open-world monsters. If you open-world farm in a good spot like the Monk / spider areas at the top of Mount Zavain, you can very quickly accumulate lots of gold.


Well, it is more like I don’t have 1 million gold spare for my character. I did do the vault every day though. :slight_smile:

Yes. I did use Treasure Hunter too when farming in overworld but my character is still in borderline poverty.

The current gold I have now is 80K.

Yakin scammed me hard in these few days. :rofl:

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Well, the cost of the items from the Antiquities NPC rises sharply after the first 10 from each category. The first 10 cost around 16K gold each, so you can buy 10 weapons and 10 pieces of main armour for 320K gold a day. As the NPC cannot give set items as the result, there’s no reason what-so-ever to spend gold on the jewellery options.

But, here’s the thing… you could just not gamble every day.

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Yeah…I stop buying after 10 items for every category.

Well, I wasn’t able to gamble every day though…I was just not able to accumulate 320K+ fast enough every day. I guess I wasn’t playing long enough per day though.

I wouldn’t waste gambling every category, gamble only main armors and weapons.

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Yup…I only bought weapons and armor too. I completely forgot about the 2nd gear part and will never going to gamble it since you can’t get the set item from the gamble.

If you’re approaching Paragon 360, and looking to upgrade your main legendaries from Rank 19 to Rank 20, you might want to start saving up now because it’s a lot more expensive than previous ranks. I think 18 to 19 was around 60K gold per piece, but 19 to 20 is 220K per piece, i.e. over 1.3 million for all six pieces…

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Damn…that was expensive…Thanks for the head-up…:+1:

P.S. Holy cow…the Glowing Shard requirement is… :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

There is another catch for some people who only randomly play it too.
Because the game is based on combat rating with server defined paragon levels, many players who fit this description found they rapidly ascended in paragon levels without adequate CR, only to have the game tell them that they were in a level below their rating. This additionally drops drastically reduced gold - big time.

The game is almost designed completely around combat rating and as a direct result, anyone not meeting the game’s definition will basically get reduced rewards.

So that is why I am so terrible! I play casually and Paragon went up fast but I can’t kill anything so I have to stay back, but then nothing drops. Frustrating enough I mostly stopped playing.

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What is your paragon and your current difficulty? I made to Hell 5 with Paragon 260+, and I wasn’t hardcore playing DI every day.

If you are at Hell 4 with P300, you shouldn’t be able to face a problem to get required CR as the legendary and set item drop quality will be P300 quality now, which is enough to catapult your CR to Hell 5 easily.

If you can’t find people to help to run dungeon, just solo the easiest dungeon such as Mad King Breach to farm all 6 set items (which I did when I was at Hell 3). It is even easier when you now can craft your desired slot for set item. If you found 2 boots, just salvage one boots and farming until you got enough Fabled Wisp to craft the slot that you wanted.

If you can clear Challenge Rift 140 solo to unlock Hell 5 item quality, Elder Rift, Bestiary and Shadow Contract reward should be able to drop Hell 5 quality legendary items now. I didn’t mention Yakin because I assumed that your paragon is too high for your difficulty, thus the gold and exp penalty. But the item drop rate shouldn’t be affected.

If you are not on Hell 4 and P300, what I mentioned also works for lower difficulty too.

P.S. Clearing Challenge Rift 95 solo unlock Hell 4 item quality, and Challenge Rift 60 for Hell 3 item quality.

But at the same time, it was Combat Rating wall able to keep the damage number from growing big. If you look at Hell 4 and Hell 5 monsters HP, it was pretty minimal increment for Hell 5. For example, Hell 4 monsters HP is 22000+ and Hell 5 monsters HP is around 25000+. Only bosses got a huge HP boost though.

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Yeah, the bonus to XP earned when your hero’s paragon level is below the server’s paragon level easily enables players to catch up in terms of paragon levels, but there’s no equivalent for them to catch up on combat rating, other than hoping players with high CR carry them through higher Hell difficulties than their own CR would be ready for and hoping for drops.

The set crafting thing might be a slow way to do this though. Apparently, it’s possible to combine lower level wisps into a wisp of the next higher tier. Not seen this personally as I’m exclusively in Hell 5 so all wisps are Tier 5 wisps, however, apparently if you get Hell 4 wisps, you can combine them into Hell 5 wisps. This way you could, say, farm Hell 4 dungeons, get set items, salvage into Hell 4 wisps, combine those into Hell 5 wisps, then craft Hell 5 set items. Sounds like a horrible grind, but at least it’s something.

Oh, and the data miners have been digging, and translating the Chinese patch notes, and it would seem that in the mid-December big patch, it’s likely that Hell 6-8 will be coming so the paragon / CR gap is going to be exacerbated even further. (Personally, I just broke 7K CR so should be okay for Hell 6, I hope).

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Unless I misinterpreted it, that would require 25 - Hell 4 Wisps to change 1 -Hell 5 Wisp, which doesn’t look like a good idea to me.

Wisp conversion: :point_down:

I think the P300 quality of 6p of a random set item should be enough to boost the CR to 5025.

Oh I get that. However, if you were mid 250’s and the paragon level was more than 30 above you, then your paragons accelerated until the game tells you that you are below your level at Hell IV.
As for differences, you should check the CR.
Hell IV is CR 3250 and Hell V is CR 5250 from memory for monster difficulty. This is a BIG difference. There is a substantial difference between Challenge rifts 95 and 140. To play Hell V with any comfort, i.e. not worry too much about anything, then you need to be able to do 150. In Hell V, unless you’re a necromancer, being under CR4800, anything will one-shot you. The necro is possibly the only one that is around 400CR ahead of the other classes, though by itself, it is still squishy like D3.

Good on you and thanks for the info !! I was a slower starter so my necro is still in the 5500 range. Does Hell V fine. The real test is doing Hell V dungeons solo when the monsters are scaled for four players. You pretty much have to be able to do 150 challenge minimum to do it as you likely know. It makes sense they’d go up to Hell 8. I reckon when the add the new paragon trees to accommodate, it will continue climbing. I was in Immortals until the recent merge and many of the people are in the 7K-8K CR range with the leader closer to 9K. Another server had dominance longer. First challenge will be interesting…
Anyway - So paragons and Hell levels will have to change.

All the above said, having a server paragon level is fine but I am not convinced that the escalated and accelerated paragon gains for players who are trying to slowly accumulate their CR is a good thing. They’re almost forced to either accept lesser drops or magically up their CR. In some cases, people left because they put it in the too hard bin. Like you, I learned to grind in D3, so it’s no big deal should I hit it again.

Well, I cleared CR140 with 400+ difference too with Wizard. :+1:

Then I went to H5 when I was at CR4900+ and then, I quickly reach the threshold CR after getting a few legendaries from shadow contracts, Yakin, bestiary, and tagging along with others in world events such as Ancient Guardian from Frozen Tundra and etc.

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Cool - yes the Wizard is the other high DMG class I believe.
As for wisps I am pretty sure it is 25 Hell IV = 5 Hell V, not 1?
I too could be wrong but I too am in Hell V so i cannot say for sure.