Mutual agreement option for duels. (End the pk´s)

some people are just bad and want to ruin others fun, those types don’t find fun in making friends they find fun in antagonizing people. They will pick the most annoying and pointless fights, no matter how pedantic.

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And that’s when you realize the barb twink actually wiped your entire squad. Oh well time to start the season over again :upside_down_face: I find usually when the pker is overconfident they are actually using hacks and/or stupid op so it’s best to avoid them.

I dont agree, its cowardly way how to try to kill someone.

Not to mention that it would again open possibility for the tppk hacks.

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And you are completely wrong.

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…and no I am not, in gaming just like in life, there are always those who want to ruin things for others. I am guessing you are one of these people, as you seem to have taken my statement personally.

I am proof that you are wrong. I used to be player killer and i had many friends in diablo 2 over the years.

Yes thats why i said you are wrong because you try to pretend to understand mentality of players who do PK. Trying to guess their personalisty. And you are very wrong.


yea other player killers, who on earth would be friends with someone who killed their level 86 HC barb? As I said, you took my comment personally because you know that you are exactly the type of player I mentioned.

I took your comment personaly because you made wrong assesment based on your hate against group of players who probably killed you many times in past. You thinking that PK doesnt have friends or is bad person is just hilarious.

When I was pk i was obviously not killing my friends, that would be dumb lol, dont you think? I wasnt doing just pk, it was side thing. I just like to experience and enjoy everything game offer. All kind of ways how to play.

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Hate? When did I say that? The only person assuming is you, not me. I don’t hate Pkers, I just see you pkers as very dangerous house flies that buzz around HC games asking to “TP please!” then you try your hardest to destroy the hundreds/thousands of hours investments in the characters of all those HC players.

You can’t make out you are a generous, kind hearted person if you get enjoyment out of that. I enjoy dueling, no problem, but pking, you target players who have chars 20+ levels lower than you, that is bullying, that is what you do as a pker.

We are finished here, I have nothing more to say to you.


You didnt have to say it, its pretty obvious based on what you wrote here so far.

Except you cant use tp when you declare hostility so i dont understand your refencence with town portal.

If you play hardcore you have to count with all dangers, pk included. And it makes hardcore battle net more interesting.

Well i am actualy very friendly and even generous person and i will gladly play with you in D2R and prove you wrong.

Feel free to join our discord and ask around what others think of me :

I would like to clarify that i wasnt killing anyone above nightmare difficulty. Most of my kills were in range lvl 9-50. With few exception when people with higher level challenged me when they joined with higher chars.

I challenged people with higher levels many times.

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Don’t be silly, you ask TP so you can find out exactly where they are.

Well on D2R I hope you try to pk someone and they turn the tables on you, I would love to see that. As I imagine you won’t be able to use all your dupes/bots/hacks that you use right now to pk those level 9-50s with your level 90 hacked out char.

Zax, hey look I am sorry if I came across too harshly, but I have lost many games where we had to jump out and even private our games due to pkers, that is all.

It happened to me like 3x in diablo 2 back in the years i played when i challenged someone with higher level or another pk. Its part of it. And i can assure you i lost a lot more valuable stuff on these chars than people i was hunting ever had.

I am not yet sure how i will play D2R, if hc or sc, depends on length os seasons. I probably wont be doing pk again. Just dueling.

Never duped anything, never used tppk or other hacks to kill someone. I wasnt killing anyone with lvl 90. I used to have lvl 21, 24 paladins for normal and 49 druid for NM for that. I never used bot, i hate bots as they destroy battle net economy. I only used to have maphack like pretty much everyone back then when i play on battle net. And i was using way point bug, thats all.

I can even show you the build i made for my Pk lvl 21 pala if you dont trust me. It would be lame to kill low chars with lvl 90 lol, no adrenalin in that.

No no it’s fine, I made another comment above yours apologizing for being so sharp on this, and gave my reasons.

Here. You most likely are not a bad person, but I just dislike pkers is all. I once lost a HC barb trying to take on a pker as well, so the rest of the party could escape, which they did.

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Its fine, I understand it might suck. I was trying to explain that not every player who do pk is just bad person. I am glad you acknowledge that. But i also understand why people hate pks.

Anyway, feel free to join discord i posted, we are building great community and it would be nice to have more players who play HC.

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I don’t think he meant to say a bad person, to reach such a point I think it is saying too much, but if he has meant to say you and the other pk’s are lacking in empathy …, I am curious why you are “CREATING” a community hc .

I think leave the system as it is. Some of my best memories of old d2 involve random hostile.

Stay a while and listen.

Farming up a hc sorc one ladder should have gone to nightmare but stayed in normal joining populated games staying solo and killing baal.
Eventually someone got annoyed with me and a lvl 90+ sorc joined hostiled me and started hunting for me.
Saw him on the map teleporting towards me in WSK2. He was teleporting a bit further than me so catching me up with every teleport I knew I did not have time to stop and tp.

The teleport before he caught me I went backwards towards him and tp’d he overshot me went back and fired the orb. It went through me as I walked through the portal i sht you not.

It was sweaty I can tell you :smiley:

Let people hostile you if they want to you can always just tp if your scared and tppk is not a thing anymore I don’t think. The element of danger is important imo.


I have empathy lol. I am helping to create community. Just read our discussion, my point was all about the fact that being pk ==/== bad person, lacking empathy and stuff like that. Its simply one of the way how to play the game.

Every player who on battle net click to create character should very well understand that hostility and player killing is part of the game.

I agree.

For the record I don’t want going hostile to change or even pking, I just take a dim view on it that is all, and yes I didn’t mean to come across as if I was saying Zax is a bad person because I don’t think he is a bad person.

I am glad though that we can all discuss it.

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Or wait till you find WPs. Way easier to work surprise PK at WPs.

You can also just use monsters and herd them around someone’s TP when they are in town. When they go down they die if you brought the right monsters.

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