Mundunugu will be dead

Agree completely. In case any dev reads this, Please reconsider nerfing the amazing Mundunugo wd and think instead of buffing the other wd armor sets.
Hate to think of wd becoming a worthless class in the game. Why even come up with these awesome builds only to nerf them into oblivion??

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Exactly… and it just happened… they don’t GAF and they didn’t listen to us yet again… This has happened way too many times at this point and since I ONLY play WD, I am really tired of all the hating on the WD…

I was playing with a Necro with HALF my paragon the other day and that toon was killing mobs faster than I was… and this was BEFORE the Nerf…

This game is just beyond dead… changes could easily be made that don’t disappoint players and only make others happy but they just constantly ruin the fun… rinse and repeat… What a waste of potential…

Using “balance” as an excuse to nerf this build is completely REDICULOUS… This game is far from balanced in almost every aspect…


Sorry not just Mungo’s, Witch Doctors entirely will be almost unplayed. Worst class, by far now with no contribution to solo, group, rat, or t16 farms at all there is no reason to even keep them in the game. Just trash them. Or i don’t know, don’t nerf them? Maybe change them so they’re still good but can do SOMETHING well?


I’m going to try hybrid sets. Zunimassa 6-piece with 2 of Mundunugu to keep Big Bad Voodoo up pretty much always.

{edit} Thanks, of course, to Ring of Royal Grandeur.

This is as stupid as it sounds. If it overperform compared to other (WD) sets… buff a little other sets. Now is in the same sh*t place to other wd, but most useless class and underperform respect to any other class by 5-10 levels.
This is unaceptable. This change needs to be reverted…


Agree… and they just don’t give a crap… They did not listen to one word. So much for caring about the input from the community and wanting to put smiles instead of frowns. More and more hate on the WD… TWICE in a row… Certainly treated as the “Minority” class…

Even in your language, I could understand ha bad that was. My nonseason shadow demon hunter could finish a 123 and I am 3460ish paragon, not 7128. That paragon alone should clear a 125, despite the primals and caldesann equipped. Barbarians and Necromancers had posted for so long that they were overlooked, Blizzard overlooked the Witch Doctor, until this set, which they took away from the player base with these nerfs.

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I tried to do the maximum I could. 134,135,136,137 and 139 I failed to conquer. I never had enough time to kill a boss - 3-4 minutes. In the end I played 132. Very weak !!!

Blizzard return the last nerf !!! It’s terribly ruined!

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and we see NO MENTION of a buff to SB with the just released patch notes… Blizzard clearly is out of touch with the players and what matters to them.


WD averages 20GRs lower than some other classes right now, and no dev noticed that? In Europe at least the leaderboards are sad. Mundu isn’t even the highest WD clear. That belongs to Zuni which is an average to decent build but still cannot compete with the other heavy hitters. Seriously, this is not a rhetorical question. Do the devs actually play the game or even know how to read and interpret leaderboards? Last time they nerfed it based on an old era, non updated lbs, and since then anyone who has basic human brain functions can see that there is something very wrong with the class. Couple of dozens crusader and wizard builds in tier S and tier A categories, but let’s give them ethereals to play all classes, even though we made half of them pure garbage.

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They are probably completely out there! Now they don’t raffle necro and crusader. Why do they leave the wizard mirror image then? They just bury the game and push the player into the solo game, but diablo 3 has no strength in the solo game! But in groups of 3+ players!

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