MultiShot build need area damage?

Someone in game advised me this build needed area damage, and Ive never had that on this build before. Thoughts? I don’t think it does that much.

It mostly matters if you push GRs with the build. Area damage isn’t really necessary for T16 content or speed GRs since you likely 1-2 shot almost everything anyways.

Area damage is mostly important for very high GRs with the Full Broadside rune where you gather tight clumps of enemies and the area damage has more of an effect.

Okay. So if Im only at GR90 or so I probably don’t need it then right? Because I’m not using the full Broadside rune.

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That is correct. It also depends on play style. If you are grouping, then you need AD, if not then not so much.

One AD roll is enough for now. Do save AD gear to use as your game evolves.


Thanks for the advice. I do use my follower to group some. Over the weekend I got a couple of gear upgrades and I rolled some AD on my shoulders so I have 2 rolls and started pushing higher for myself. On tight maps and when my follower groups up mobs…its utter destruction. I love it.