Multiply Same Pylon (Using same one twice)

GR noticed the party member lagging while a guy was lagging out in-game on the PTR. During his lag, he discovered and hit a pylon that was not visible to the two players who did not lag. while he quickly disconnected after hitting it. This resulted in us having conduit power when he left the party. I noticed we had a pylon, and only two of us support classes were left with no dmger. Then I followed up the path and found a pylon that was exactly the same one he hit prior to disconnecting.

This was how we ended up hitting 2x pylons. An example would be that whoever is about to explore the pylon area should lag. This will allow them to explore and grab the pylon while lagging. Then, on the party side, wait and disconnect to see if auto grants Python power to the party. whatever the case was. We hit two pylons on the same map with the same power.

Dude. I’m not a genius, but English is my first language, and I really have no clue what you’re talking about.