Multiplayer Feedback and D2R

With release of Blizzard’s technical alpha learnings today, it is nice that they are making more optional changes to D2R as well as updating some graphical elements. The next question is how will feedback from the multiplayer beta be incorporated into D2R.

Personally, I have been playing D2 again to refamiliarize myself with the game after a long hiatus. In terms of multiplayer, there are several things I would like to see; however, I will simply open this thread up to illicit suggestions from others.

Still hoping they change the Cow King kill bit. Doubt it’ll happen but one can hope!


Oh that’s a good point…You should be able to kill the King, any time, any way, without being penalized…

Also, I wonder how they will accomplish the Dclone spawn? And I wonder if they can apply the Town Portal delay to ONLY hardcore games (for TPPK)? The TP delay is so annoying.


I personally wish they acknowledged a QOL change like killing the cow-king in their latest statement. That change is basically a no-brainer and the fact they didn’t makes me concerned they won’t make it for some reason.


Yeah me too, there’s even a thread about it that’s gotten a decent amount of attention. I wish they’d address the request.

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