Read my link. Only in wow.
Okay I’ll concede, but MB is totally allowable. Mirroring software isn’t. You can still MB all you want.
Still waiting on your reasoning why MB is cheating.
Because MB is allowed. Mirroring software isn’t.
They made an official statement for wow to say it IS allowed.
Unless you can find one for Diablo then why would you assume the same?
Going off of Blizzards way of releasing this information you would need a statement about Diablo to show the same.
Because people get confused. Banning of mirroring software doesn’t mean MB is not allowed.
Is it a fact that multiboxers want to exploit the game instead of play it properly?
Yes or no?
Obvioulsy you have no argument. Time to move on folks. He claims it’s cheating but doesn’t explain how and refuses to answer basic fact finding questions to figure out where he is coming from.
Lol you want me to explain cheating to you?
People that defend multiboxing make me laugh.
Cheating how. There are many different ways of cheating and MB isn’t one of them since it is allowed. Cannot be a cheat if it’s within the rules.
Or let me guess, you got stomped by a MB in WoW once and still hold that grudge?
Seeing as you all like multiboxing so much, how do we know you’re all not just 1 person backing up your own opinion?
It’s not against the rules but it is frowned upon because there’s no truth in it, it’s deceptive, and it’s sus seeing someone with barely any posts pop up suddenly having a big opinion about this. Decipher are you Shivans multibox account lol? Exposed much?
People work hard for their gear, multiboxers try to circumvent the time this takes.
You think the 99.9% of other players are cool with this?
We’re not, Blizzard just can’t stop it in wow cause it’s so prevalent and only made that statement to stop getting tickets from people asking for them to be banned.
It’s just a plague that Blizzard won’t put the resources in to deal with.
I expect more for D4 as a brand new modern experience. Stuff like this should not be allowed to continue it’s time Blizzard made themselves a respectable modern company.
So does grouping and free trade. How do you feel about those? Because I’m sure you have consistency in your arguments. Since you love posting sources, show us the numbers of hiw many approve and disapprove of MB.
None of the other accounts that have posted in this thread are me (excluding this one of course).
I am not Shivan or beefhammer or anyone else in this thread. Simlly put, multiboxing has been and continues to be officially allowed in WoW and D3.
In November 2020, Blizzard reiterated that multiboxing was allowed in WoW but a policy CHANGE in WoW was made so that key mirroring software was banned.
Lol no I’m just gonna post about how multiboxing is trash and should be kept out of D4 and laugh at all your desperate attempts to legitimise it.
I don’t care one way or the other. If someone wants to MB that is their prerogative. You however have failed to argue your point. All you have tossed out are feels. I feel it’s cheating. I feel it’s deceptive. Your only point actually against it is that it helps you gear faster.
Guess what else does, playing with friends or randos in a group. Buyung and trading gear. Having more time to play. I’m sure those threads agaisnt those activities are being written by you soon so I’ll wait and read. That is unless you are a hypocrite with no leg to stand on by saying MB is cheating.
Never asked for you to post about it being trash or not. I asked specifically hiw it is cheating. Which you conveniently moved to goalposts to say it’s frowned upon.
Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once
Your information link is about WoW.
It has nothing to do with Diablo 3 or Diablo Immortal.
Please read everything in that link before you make another statement about multiboxing other than WoW.
You are only posting links about WoW related banning.
No YOU link ONE statement from Blizzard that says it’s ok in Diablo.
The dude is a joke. He is definately defending a wrong opinion l8ke Skelos. Maybe he’s MB forum accounts.
No it is you that cannot provide the link to this information.
And until you do you’re just lying over and over again.
Don’t need to, unless something was banned or deemed a violation of rules, it is allowed. No need to have your hand held to say it’s okay to do, when it was never not allowed.
Did you not see the link that I provided earlier with the statement from the D3 community manager?
If you do not like that link, how about this one
How about this link if you do not like the prior 2 links.
Are all the links wrong and a fabrication?