So what does he actually say:
- starts of with flame against d3 (which has a different ploot than most of us are advocating for)
- flames rhykker for having a different opinion
- says that ploot is a console game feature (which is wrong)
- says that it is “ok for something like far away whatever thing”, so basically pushing it away as far as possible
- the good old “go play solo” argument
- “i play solo all the time”, “i …”, “i …”, “i…”, lots of “works for me” arguments
- “being right in the action is rewarded” - or of course stealing items (which he conveniently forgets), he also doesnt mention timed loot, which would also serve this point in ploot
- “ping issues balance”, yeah, sure. For you, because you sit in a well-developed area, with a gaming setup in the basement of your parents! of course ping is not your issue. Ridiculous “works for me argument”
- excitement of drop - assuming that this does not apply to ploot
- “we cant see each others drops” - again he does not seem to have done his homework. We are suggesting a version where you actually see others drops.
- he only talks about premade partying with friends - which is a version of ploot essentiall
- nostalgia, giant mess, crowd on baal, spamclicking = “excitement” - well, you know, if you like it so much, just keep playing ffa loot, it is still there. Many of us simply do not enjoy it as much.
- “who needs it the most”-party play - again another of his “premade-friends-party-play-works-so-ffa-works” argument
- bind on pickup - randomly appears without logical coherence to what is being discussed
- traaaaading aspect - well, still perfectly there in ploot
- more worthless characters, who dont contribute, like an item find barb - which is already far more powerful as an itemgrabbing FFA game barb
- you go ahead, you can pickup loot earlier in ffa - still possible in ploot with the correct timeout setting, again no homework
- enable it for “some people in the game” - who suggested that?
- “competitive players are forced to be fast” - so what does ploot change about that? ploot is not more efficient
- “ploot is always gonna be better than ffa” - why? what is the reason for it. He just claims FFA to be better, without even knowing what is being suggested as ploot.
- “i like other changes, so my argument on ploot must be good” - well, maybe you should do your homework first instead.
- “go back to d3” - yeah, we were waiting for that one.
In total he shows, like many of you, that he simply did not bother to do his homework and see what is actually being suggested.
Very poor display of using his plattform. Absolutely no clue what is being discussed.
Compare him to another famous streamer that actually knows his stuff: Day9. That guy would have made a convincing argument. He would balance both sides, show the tradeoffs, the caveats, the options and variants. Instead we get this hogwosh of feely-wealy.
So how come he comments on a feature he didnt do the tiniest bit of research in. He sounds like one of these self-proclaimed health experts who are bullying doctors lately.
Correct. And Ploot is the 1st kind.
FFA allows the 3rd kind to exist and get a majority of what they want. Ploot limits them to a mere 1/8 of what they want. Very good prevention.