Mr. Horse gives his D4 review

Gotta say I agree with him here. Especially his first point.


I see you like cartoons. Maybe that’s WHY you don’t like D4? :wink:

I hope you give a true review on the D4 forum. Lol funny post though.

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This show was my beatles you have no idea. I literally cried when I was forced to miss the premiere of the famous skinny-dipping episode on one fateful saturday night. It was rumored to feature full frontal nudity, hyped beyond belief. I was devastated, weeping in the car on the way home.

Little did I know that this little “crisis” of mine mirrored the creators’. It was precisely this time that spumco studio was terminated and replaced. Bob just couldn’t carry the show without the rest of the gang and this massively popular show just fell into obscurity so quickly, like a lead weight in water. Now I know why. Now Stimpy’s First Fart is the closest thing we will ever have to a R&S film. Which I at last watched fairly recently after catching a glimpse on 90s network TV and never once seeing it again (they knew what they had and to not overplay it), and the end brought a tear to my eye, the VA performance is incredible, and for a moment it didn’t matter that Stimpy was anguishing over a fart, only that they were finally reunited. And of course the art in that episode absolutely rivals film quality 1:1, they were hitting their stride something fierce!! John K’s a gotdamn legend and I don’t care what anyone says. But he just had to greenlight an episode without censors’ approval or involvement or awareness of any kind, probably shouldn’t have done that.


Ask and you shall receive.

Ranged is fun… melee needs lots of work. LOTS!

Missed you btw.

Not that anybody actually cares, but my honest review of D4 is… It’s not a bad game. Didn’t hate it, but didn’t love it either.

Played enough to hit level 20 with a sorc but never finished all the available quests. Never got to try a world boss though. They gave more playable content than the D3 beta which was very nice of them.

The game looks very nice and the atmosphere fits great. I liked how for the most part, the bosses required you to at least try. The butcher randomly appearing and then two shooting me and then never seeing him again was funny.

I didn’t like how slow everything felt. Perhaps things get sped up once you get a mount, but didn’t care for the slower more methodical pace of combat.

Def not a fan of the open world stuff but that’s been beaten to death a million times over already. I always hit jerky lag around and in towns which I’m assuming had to do with other players showing up. One thing I don’t think was said yet was that I don’t like that you can’t pause the game, even in a dungeon by yourself with no chance of any other player appearing. I had to step away for a minute and came back to being dead because something wandered close enough to aggro and then killed me.

For the most part the beta showed off a lot of the good parts of the game. That being said, it does not demo the stuff that really matters like how the game plays after finishing the story. It also remains to be seen how far they’re going to take mtx-ing the game to death and how good or bad the battle passes will be. For that, this game is still a big “wait and see”