More Neutral Items Rework

There are still legendaries that have yet received legendary passives. Over the course of time, we have received update on many different legendary items and they introduce newer gameplay in terms of skill choices and so on.

Here I only want to name two in the following, to keep this post short and sweet:

Legendary item(s) names that can relate to a skill or theme:

Blackhand Key (since it’s a Legendary Wand) for the Wizard (outside of whatever it may have on there):

Blackhand Key: Now cast an Additional 1 - 2 Black Hole(s) picking a random rune (or even include other than the one you selected), every 8 seconds or 7-9 seconds.

If we do not want it to be time-based, it could also say instead:

Blackhand Key: Now cast an Additional 1 - 2 Black Hole(s) picking a random rune (or even include other than the one you selected), within 10-15 yards adjacent to its original Black Hole.

Since there are words of the skill involved, and also key is like a gateway or portal or what-have-you.

Another item is Fletcher’s Pride. The definition of Fletcher is “a person who makes and sells arrows,” so I can presume it could be:

Fletcher’s Pride: Your selected primary skill now shoots 1-3 extra arrows (projectiles).

There are many items still I believe but that’s just the two I wanted to “feature”.

I will keep this brief and while I have this in writing and in mind, I don’t believe it to be truly original, and probably have been thought out since the beginning of all legendary items’ existence.

Thank you for your kind attention.

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I’m an advocate for variety and customization and also a long-time Witch Doctor player. Please give us something for Firebomb and Mass Confusion.