More Enchant Options

Can we enchant 2 properties on ancient items instead of just 1? It seems fairer. It’s so hard getting all the right stats some times. Can there be an item that allows players to do a 3rd enchantment roll on items?

Myriam should give more than 2 options when enchanting, 2 just seems so unfair, there’s more room at the bottom.

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This subject is my biggest peeve with the whole game. I want to explore builds as I feel like it. I can grind to get stuff, but the random is too much.

I would like full customization. It would open up full exploration of all builds. And it can be balanced to how it is now time wise with ease. Just increase the resource cost and make more use of the current hoarders/gem/resource gathering equipment.

I would much prefere to work towards my builds and tweak them. Makes it much easier to figure out what you need and how things work. I hate having to know things ahead of time for things I can’t possibly get. The game would be far more enjoyable.

They could start with each enchantment costing 10-50x the price of the last per attempt. It could even be an non linear increase for each.

Adjust multiplier as needed:

1st enchantment: normal cost
2nd enchantment: 10x Previous
3rd enchantment: 20x Previous (200x total)
4th enchantment: 30x Previous (6,000x total)
5th enchantment: 40x Previous (240,000x total)
6th enchantment: 50x Previous (12,000,000x total)
7th enchantment: 60x Previous (720,000,000x total)
8th enchantment: 70x Previous (50,400,000,000x total)

Having good bonuses would be helpful to save cost. And if the price sticks to each enchantment(assuming no server load) you can pick the enchantment order carefully to make cheaper price changes happen. Or just make it go up per number of total enchantments for all reenchants. This makes it still useful to redo a legendary potentially.

This would also make primal drop rates make sense as you only need one example. And help with inventory as you don’t need as many pieces to hold on to making the rest of the game balance work better.(Also helps with game code/lag.)

This would also help smooth out transitions between stages in the game more. Which also leads to easier balancing as extremes don’t have to be taken as far because you can get pickier balances and try more interesting things with more consistency.