More D2 Resurrected Wishes

I cannot post in the Resurrected forum for some reason, so I’ll just post here.
Looking good so far Resurrected team, haven’t been this hyped for anything in YEARS!

Still here’s more wishes that I’d like to see:

  1. Trigger the Diablo Clone some other way. Selling SOJs was only possible/in the game because they were duped en masse. If duping is gone, the Diablo Clone may as well almost not exist in the game.
    Maybe he spawns once you killed EVERY act boss but you only get a small CHANCE to drop Annihilius?
    Make it so it’s also possible to get it OFFLINE too in any case.
    1.5) Tieing into that, enable/allow ALL runewords and cube recipes for offline play. Not being able to upgrade runes at a certain point anymore is stupid for example if you have worthless ones but could upgrade them to a useful rune.

  2. Allow running multiple instances for LAN play. The shared stash WILL help, but sometimes you still need a mule. Just don’t allow more than one connection to Battle Net Servers if you are concerned about abuse vectors there.

  3. Allow the /players command to go up to 127 for offline play - that was only possible with code editing the game files so far.

And 2 that I’ve seen posted before but that I support as well:
4) Gem stacking
5) Cow portal after killing the king


Yeah, this must be addressed.

Good call but doubtful if this gonna apply.

As for the rest I can get behind them too. Just I’m neutral towards portal availability after killing the king.

We can hope :')
I hope that if they don’t include this ouf of the box they at least don’t ban if you mod the files to play like that in LAN

How come you’re neutral about that one? Do you see any downside?

Cow King was a thrill to avoid imo.

player1: hey 2, watch ck
player1: man ck
player2: what?
player1: cow
player1: king
Player2 has been slain by Cow King

Not for all suggestions.

The reason is clear: it is not a new game or “better” game, it is the same game as always with improvements in quality of life that do not alter the gameplay.

Diablo 2 Resurrected is a Remaster, not another Remake.
Let it be as how Diablo 2 should be. No big changes!


Only until someone killed it and made it so you could no longer open the portals… maybe that’s a compromise:
If someone kills the cow king, only THAT PLAYER can no longer open portals, but everyone else can?
Would remove the possibility of 1 jerk ruining it for everyone.

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Wasn’t selling SOJs server-wide? If so, I think it will be very easy for streamers and social media personalities to coordinate SOJ Turn-in waves with viewers to make sure this is getting done frequently enough.

Only local play will be on Switch as of now.

Yeah it was server wide. But without dupes and botting, I don’t think many will sell legit sojs… but maybe I’m wrong, guess we’ll have to wait and see.

But still, this should also be possible in Single Player in any case. Just like 1.5) from the OP

These are big changes?

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The only BIG one is 1), changing how the Diablo clone spawns.
Everything is minor/wouldn’t even affect people who don’t use these things anyways.

I would like to see all potions to look more photo-realistic. Not a cheap ugly art-style.

In game menu/encyclopedia for all runes words and cube recipes, i know there are loads of people who dont know you can use the cube in d2 for a lot of things like re rolling rares items, removing sockets ect.

Edit: didn’t see my first post.

And upgrading runes. Yeah, that would be neat

I just read this discussion about DClone in D2R
It was not quite brought up there, can someone please post the suggestion from the OP here so it’s included in that thread?

Maybe he spawns once you killed EVERY act boss but you only get a small CHANCE to drop Annihilius?
Make it so it’s also possible to get it OFFLINE too in any case.