Monkey set dungeon Impossible

This season 20 it’s awesome :star_struck:. Allow me start to do Set Dungeons for every class starting with Necro, WD, Wiz, DH and now I’m with Monk and my last one to get master set dungeon :face_with_raised_eyebrow: it’s Monkey King :see_no_evil: but :unamused:. I have around a week trying and… :angry:

The 6-second target is completely stupid :rage:, I have tried again and again modifying skills, objects looking for a way to achieve the master in the dungeon but between the delay in starting the 6-second count and the randomness in which the monsters appear I give up :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

This time must be increased from 6 to 8 seconds as a minimum to achieve the objective tangibly :neutral_face:

Are you using Vengeful Wind? When they added the SW damage bonus to VW, it increased the likelihood that SW would kill mobs before your clone explosions would trigger.

The reason you’re probably failing is that Vengeful Wind is causing your stacks of Sweeping Wind to do far too much damage so mobs die from that before your decoys can hit 20 of them. Craft a rare, level 70 fist weapon at the Blacksmith, and use that instead of your Vengeful Wind.

Also, reduce your damage. Take off jewellery, swap paragon points from DEX to VIT, leave points unspent in CHC / CHD / AS, change chest / leg gems from Emeralds to Amethysts or Diamonds, change Emeralds in weapons to Amethysts and so on. You need to do this because you want your Cyclone Strike purely to be about grouping mobs up, not killing them.

It’s definitely possible and it’s easier with 200K damage than with lots.


Finally!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

thanks a lot for advices!! OTK and got my master monkey dungeon!! I wanted to share a picture with you but forum settings don’t allow :sob:

Cya in hell ppl!!


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I need help with uliana any advices?

If you kill them before you regroup them, low down your atk dmg around 100k to 120k that will maintain alive mobs during your regroup them, remove gems, change legendary weapons to rare weapons, reroll it for CDR, use season theme: In-geom+Messerschmidt’s Reaver+Leoric Crown that will give you an insane CDR, with that it’s really easy get master dungeon.

Hope help you gl hf!!! :star_struck: :partying_face:


I just finished it last night after lowering my damage to 120k. Put diamonds in your weapons, and make sure Flow of Eternity is cubed. Roll off dex in all your gear that you can, replace with either armor or cdr. And also realize that rng is huge for this dungeon.
Edit: Gaaaahhh! I just tried adding a link for the build I used using the editor but it’s not letting me. If you go to the diablo fans website, it’s build # 70155. Hope this helps.

Flow of Eternity for a Sunwuko build?!

edit: I found your link and it is to a build for the Uliana set dungeon, not the Sunwuko (Monkey King’s Garb) set dungeon.

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