Monk Set recommedation for Years of War

I play DH almost 99% of the time. Would like to know what you other DH mains think as the easiest monk set to gear up to GR 55?

I assume you want to wear a monk set on a DH. Which set doesnā€™t matter, but all pieces of monkey king set have no class restriction.

Iā€™ll use a UE+CC build, swap all UE set pieces to monkey king pieces. I expected to complete GR55 in ~8 minutes.

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Never new that I can use Monkey King set on DH. So that would mean I wonā€™t need to create a seasonal Monk.

How would I go about farming the set pieces though?

You can create a lv 1 monk and use ā€œupgrade from rareā€ to farm monk pieces. You need 5 pcs if you use CC.

Alt., ask others to give you spare pcs in a group play. (this is suggested by icy-veins).

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Gotcha. I already have filled out all of my character slots and didnā€™t want to rebirth my non seasonal monk since I need his inventory for my monk items stash and my sharable stash is nearly full too. Iā€™ll see if I can go around begging in public. Thanks very much.

Me too. What I plan to do is rebirth one char.
After completing the conquest, delete this char and recreate as non-seasonal.
Then retrieve gears from mail. Yes, I have to relevel to 70 but it will be 20 minutes effort.

PS: to avoid accident, swap valuable items to stash before rebirth.

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I just did it an hour ago. Got 5 Sunwuko pieces using the cube. Each pc took 1-15 gambles. GR took 7:30.

(oops, I used a wrong gem.)

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sorry for not contributing, but what do you do this for? Achievement?

Years of War conquest. GR55 with 6 sets. You can do 5 sets on one class (each class has 5 sets that count), but you need one last set from another class to finish it. Usually, people level a second class and farm a set and complete it that way.

However, as it turns out, you can equip a universally equippable set from another class on your main character and clear it that way, as Maskraider has shown. Youā€™ll need to get the pieces somehow (e.g. ask friends or randoms in pub games), and you wonā€™t have a set multiplier for the clear, but itā€™s doable with the right item combination. Think of it as a clear for ā€˜The Thrillā€™ conquest, except instead of random legendaries in all slots, you use the set from another class, and then clear GR55 instead of GR45.


Tried it using the Barbs IK set, didnā€™t work :frowning:

IMO itā€™s much easier to just level up another character. What I did was level up a GOE to 50 and used that to solo powerlevel a monk. Then I used the gem to augment an item, since that is also required for the journey. Then I gambled and converted items until I got one of the full monk sets. In my case it was the PoJ, and made for an easy GR55.

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IK has 5 pieces non-class specific. The other 2 pieces are barb-only.
Iā€™ve tried wearing the 5 pcs + RoRG on a DH. The set(6) bonus lighted up.

Also, it is possible to roll STR to DEX (or INT) using your main hero. It will make life easier. (Only non-class-specific items can change main stat.)

Iā€™ve compiled a list of usable sets and the number of non-class specific items:

Immortal King's Call (5/7)
Inna's Mantra (5/7)
Jade Harvester (6/6)
Might of the Earth (6/6)
Monkey King's Garb (6/6)
Natalya's Vengeance (5/7)
Tal Rasha's Elements (6/7)
The Shadow's Mantle (6/6)
Thorns of the Invoker (6/6)
Vyr's Amazing Arcana (6/6)
Zunimassa's Haunt (5/7)

Thatā€™s what I did. 5 pc + RoRG, set bonus lit up, did the gr, no Years of War. Rolled a Barb, used the exact same pieces, got the Conquest.

IK specifically has been buggy in the past with Years of War, even on barbs. I donā€™t remember the specifics, but I remember in the past some people had problems getting credit for IK even on a barb for the conquest. Then at one point, I also think there was a reverse bug, where you could get credit even without the full 6p, e.g. at one point I think doing WW6/IK4 gave credit for both WW and IK, when really it only should have given credit for WW. No idea why, but based on some previous problems with IK for Years of War, it might explain why it didnā€™t work with Maskraiderā€™s method?

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