Monk season's journey advice

I am trying to complete the season’s journey to get all of the portrait frames and the pet. However, I seem to have hit a plateau on my monk that I can’t get past. Can anyone recommend fixes/upgrades to my build that will help me push onwards to GR 70 solo?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. The monk “Totoro” is the character I mean.

P.S. my profile doesn’t show my Cubed ring for some reason; I have the Ring of Royal Grandeur active on there.

I don’t think Raiment + Inna is a good option.
Choose one or the other and select skills and gear accordingly.
The BIS gear and skills for these two are not really compatible.
There are build guides available for both.
I prefer Inna with WoL.
edit: The new Justice set with Tempest Rush and Sweeping wind or SWK TR seems to be blowing either one out of the water now.

Just use sunwuko or patterns set… You’ll get it done lickety-split

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Pattern TR is exceptionally easy to play. The spirit regen from PoJ 4 piece makes TR SUPER easy to maintain. SWK TR is more powerful but it requires more RCR rolls in order to maintain TR.

The worst part of the monk season journey is the set dungeon. Inna’s is a major pain with finding the right balance so that your allies don’t do too much damage and not let you group up mobs. Uliana’s is a RNG mess with mob spawning to be able to group up enough (noticing a pattern?). SWK is harder with the change to VW since the significant buff to SW damage has a tendency to kill things before you can group up enough for the clone explosions (there’s that pattern again). Raiment is a pain to solo due to gear requirements and RNG. In a group though, Raiment is by far the easiest. Bring along a Multishot DH or a WW Barb (or basically anyone else) and just run like mad to the chest at the end. Then you just work your way and meet the rest in the middle.

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The swk set portal is trivial even without kyo belt. No need to use vw, its to much dmg.