Someone in the comments suggested it.
Would you suggest another item which should give the Monk 50-80% DR instead or in addition to that, which would benefit the more squishy Monk builds?
Or maybe a set that could / should get a DR or more DR?
A few alternative ideas:
Binding of the Lost DR could be increased from 4-5% to 5-6% for a total of 84% DR after 14 SSS Hits.
Gungdo Gear or The Fist of Az’Turrasq could give 50-80% DR while an Expoloding Palm is applied and for 10 seconds afterwards.
The Monkey King’s Grasp set could give 60-80% DR while Sweeping Wind is active, instead of just 50%.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms gives 50-70% DR for 6 seconds after using a Generator or Dashing Strike.
Inna’s 4piece could give you the base effect of all four Mantras and 50%+ DR.
LoD builds still could benefit from the DR on the RoRC.
Thats what I wrote some times somewhere else. But think about the rest: Uliana is nowadays often played with CC set, so bindings are no longer in the build.
Yeah, ok, maybe you try to simply throw some numbers, which is not wrong at all but will need to be tested. I’d prefer the following:
Which build do we have and how good is it in terms of defense (damage is obviously another thing).
I think we have those builds:
tr (swk and poj, ok some inna and lod trys but they should not be good enough to compete)
wol (here all is possible, lod, inna and swk is the order here from good to bad imo)
ltk (seriously I’d only suggest lod / lon to be watched)
uliana (with or without CC, with or without shenlong)
generator (Rainment and innas)
In terms of defense:
Tr swk is okish for range 130-135. has nothing being able to add on top for higher lvls
Tr poj is kind of limited since you do not stack rcr as much as in swk. swk and poj are from numbers comparable, but my own runnings tell me swk is much tankier
wol is the only non-melee build, that is the reason why its survivability is better than ltk build (since both can use the same set). When you are honest, there is dmg reduction needed. defense is ok in the range up to 120-125 for all sets. swk is worst defense wise, inna is only good if you have you allys more often and has no dr, only % life buffs which is worse with high grift lvls. lod is only playable when not in group since you need unity, which is crap. Best would be a lon build (with the set rings) and have some defense added - but there is no possibility.
ltk is worst build defensive. It might be ok up to 115, I did not get it to a higher level but I did not try really hard. It lacks on dmg and defense, especially since its melee only. I would say ltk should be an easy to play variant of generator but hell you die so often. no matter if lon / lod with unity, or swk or inna, all ltk builds are dead in some way. but now think what can be changed? ltk needs orotz, without coe you dont deal dmg. rabid strike is another good multiplier, so you can not use crystal fist (and its 50 dr is way to bad). swk needs again vangeful wind which is simply crap since the set does not boost the wind …
generator is absolutely squishy even with unity and spirit guards. same problem as with ltk but ltk has less defense
uliana with the new 77% dr buff on the set is kind of playable but only up to ~125-130 range.
when your goal is to make all builds (lets ignore other classes with their 80% dr rings or 300% dmg rings) even we would need to buff wol and uliana a bit and ltk and generator much. Also think about 80dr is more than 50% twice. uliana and generator use spirit guards and both do not really involve epi to be played. for gen its a wasted slot, for uliana its only good for short time of survivability. you coulld give spirit guards 80% dr (which is a 50% buff) and the rainmentset or the shenlong a buff of ~60. inna gen should not be focussed on. Ah and when adjusting rainment: It should deal more dmg than inna gen, so there needs to be a buff. The canonical way would be add a bonus of 60 dr when you did a dash.
wol and ltk have in common that both need 100% epi uptime (ok, swk can not deal with that, but swk is worst of all sets for both builds). both use desert rune with 50 dr. you could simply buff it to lets say 60 or 80 but you’d also buff tr builds (which would be fine with me since you then can play poj tr in a group). another possibility would be to add some dr to a non used lon-slot that would be on a set position (like pants). But still there is unity ring used. As long as this ring is best defensive option for a class something is wrong. Why not add a ring with 60 dr and 80 when not in epi? that ring would help gen, uliana with 80% and all other builds with 60% (but with desert rune its also 80). but it would feel like a wasted item. My ideas right now are not really good - but if you ask me we need a dr ring that is better than unity and helps wol and ltk. Dash is one of the skills not used on tr but on all other builds, so maybe it should be around the dash - but then some clever boy here told me that crystal has that buff. remove crystal.
So yeah, your numbers sound pretty okish but would be just numbers right now and would need some testing. I try to get what builds there are and what can be done. But at some time you need to watch what other classes have, like the barb: Stomp once (or other enabler) and have 80 dr for a while (+ so many other buffs). I never played barb until last season. my season barb had only ~ 80 mio toughness compared to my ns monk with unbuffed ~250 mio. In fight the barb had much more toughness (over 2 t vs 1.4 for the monk with tr). this gap is not acceptable and maybe we need to copy some of barbs features here. I think blizz still thinks monks can simply add inner sanctuary to builds but the buff is static on the ground and a wasted slot. I only would use it if i get another 300% to 400% dmg buff somewhere else. When I see that, I’d claim for a ring that gives 80 dr (same as barbs have) after a dash for 6 secs or so. That would combine mobility with a dr buff that is so desperadly needed and it would help almost all builds (except tr).
Nah, the main issue is that it doesn’t apply your Rune and MR doesn’t work either. Fix those 2 things first and see how well it does without the need to snap shot it all the time. Not everybuild needs to be anti everything, look at GoD, it does nothing to Elites and is doing 150’s now.
Uliana 2 piece DOES apply your rune selected on your skill bar. A simple way to test it is to apply EP without the skill on your bar and then change to Cold, Lightning or Holy EP and do it again. You will see the corresponding color EP applied via Uliana 2 piece.
Also Mythic Rhythm DOES work in the build but it is very un-intuitive. I posted a breakdown on how MR works in the build and how you utilize snapshot mechanics to take the most advantage of that passive around 15 or 16 replies into the thread.
What doesn’t work about Mythic Rhythm? It applies a buff to your next spender after your 3rd strike from a generator. One of the applied EP’s from Uliana 2 pc will have the MR buff while the rest are regular EP’s (good luck finding which one it is). I agree that it should be more intuitive and I don’t think it would be OP if it applied to all the EP’s applied from the 2 piece. But MR is working properly as far as I know.
No it does not, go watch old Quin69 videos about it, it has not been fixed, you have to snap shot manuelly apply MR as well as CoE, Assimilate, and Cold EP to get your buffs to actually work correctly, then you can spread your EP’s around. This has been a known problem for a long time.
Having to use snapshot mechanics is different from the passive skill “not working” as you posted. I described exactly how to snapshot earlier in this thread, so I know how it works (btw, Assimilate and CoE are both dynamic buffs along with Pylons and Shrines and can NOT be snapshot). Having to manually apply EP to get the MR buff is working as intended. I definitely think that the skill should work better and have a visual indicator and I also don’t think it would be OP if Uliana 2 piece applied MR to ALL of the EP’s that it applies.
That should be the way to go here - it is not really understandable, that only one of the EPs is buffed with MR when all came from 1 attack. Maybe first thread in PTR Feedback ^^ Next will be why there is still no replacement of unity ring for monk.
Let’s make it Simple like other Sets ^^
2 Set:
100% Chance that your Spirit Generators apply Exploding Palm on Enemies
4 Set:
50% Damage Reduction when applying Exploding Palm on Enemies for 10-20 Seconds.
+50% Movement Speed when applying Exploding Palm on Enemies for 10-20 Seconds
6 Set:
Increases Damage from Exploding Palm by 20.000%
Increases Damage from Seven Sided Strike by 20.000% Damage
Seven Sided Strike Detonates Exploding Palm