Monk Justice Set rarely proc's larger sweeping wind

After throwing together a build, I ran a GR60 to warm up. I ran the entire grift thinking the set was completely bugged, and never saw the sweeping wind get larger. The damage was great though. I jumped in to a GR80 to see if I could get the proc, and with enough hits, I got it to proc before I died.

Couple of things:
I’m rocking 2 piece Sunwuko’s, Istavan’s Blades and I still feel really squishy.
Tempest Rush drains my spirit way too quickly in this build, haven’t looked at mitigating that yet. A generator feels weird too, since I’m mostly channeling.
30 hits for a proc is way too high for a very disappointing size increase. After 30 hits, things on the screen should be dead. Nothing about this felt right.

Something feels wrong here, it’s just overall clunky. It’s probably my slapped together build, but the proc was very anti-climatic.

PS - both sets look amazing though. Completely baller update. GG devs.


I agree - Because it is supposed to gain the effect of all runes, it should have the Holy rune(Northern Breeze), where it uses less spirit. To be honest it did not seem to have all five runes. Theoretically, having all five means all the properties of the five? It did not seem like it.

How is it in terms of damage, satisfactory? Competitive? Or is it just for speeds?

its trash well below the other monk sets and no dr

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its sweepingwind that gets all runes not TR


My mistake - you are absolutely correct. My bad.
Actually it possibly would have been better off if TR did.

ya i think the set should have been for TR instead of SW


If they made it that SW & TR gain the effects of all runes, it would be even better. It would however make the Wuko TR build possibly overpowered by comparison.

easy fix is to remove TR from Wuko

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Yes also with the change from eye of the storm from 100% extra damage on one enemy, to ‘double the damage’, which indicates multiplicative (x2) instead of additive(+100%), I am not convinced that makes any difference either. Technically I suppose it is no change at all and the same thing. :expressionless:

Are you insane? This new set doesn’t have a multiplier for Tempest Rush, so all that would do is make Cesar’s and Balance pointless.

This new set is a disaster.

  • SW doesn’t benefit from the increased radius rune unless that’s the one on the bar.
  • The increased radius from the 6-peice Tempest Rush proc is so small and expires so quickly that it’s honestly not even worth running tempest rush at all.
  • Practically requires SWK 2-piece for defense, essentially locking out the new helm (which isn’t very good anyways) or either of the new crafted sets
  • It replicates the same build that you’d run for SWK Tempest Rush, but it does less damage

Number adjustments can not redeem this set. It needs to go back to the drawing board.


remove the set and add sw to swk set dng and bring a new set.

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I did a lot of testing and SW is not gaining the effect of every rune.

Tempest Rush it’s not triggering the larger radius on the SW 90% of the time.
I tested the build with SW Neck and Shoulder for 50% dmg reduction + the Crystal Fist Weapon for an extra 50% dmg red with Dashing Strike and 50% dmg reduction from bracers and still not surviving T13-16.
Eye of the Storm is not giving you 100% damage increase, or at least is not consistent with Tempest Rush.
SW Ice rune is not triggering the Tempest Rush bracers for the damage increase, even though the enemies are frozen.

Overall the set feels incomplete and squishy.

The design and the visuals are awesome, I hope you guys can make it work.


I"m sorry but without damage reduction this is a trash-tier set. And damage-wise it is worse than SW. What’s the purpose of it? Just for fun or visuals? Lame


why not both?

Maybe the set should give TR AND SW all runes.
Wouldn’t be unreasonable I think.

I agree - however I read something on another thread and I think they may be correct. They would have to make it stand out from the Wuko build and boost the damage equivocally in this set for TR. That made more sense, adding to yours. Then it becomes more of a ‘Tempest Rush Build’ instead of a Wuko extension. I did agree with their logic that in its current format, it is more likely to become an accessory to the Wuko build. They do need to change a few things yet.

But it is like every new build, still early days.

EDIT: If you enjoy crusader, have a play with the new build. It needs a little tweaking too, but it is fun. (Make sure you have good blocking stats if you do)
I got to 90 without too much trouble and it’s a little different to what I anticipated. . I have a bug report because both my 85 and 90 does not show up - leaderboard thingeee - It doesn;t matter, it’s only PTR

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I tried fixing adjusting a few things, I made it farther in GR80, but running out of spirit is the worst thing.

I’m fine with running 2p Sunwuko’s for defense, and Istanvan’s blades make sense too.

I’d be happy with the following:
4 piece justice set includes 50% spirit reduction for tempest rush
6 piece justice set only requires 10 hits ( and the proc is a much larger effect )
New ring - Tempest Rush channel reduces damage and costs less
any sort of channeling defense bonus

Really just the 4p, after all, Sunwuko’s WoL build gets away without a generator - It would be really lame to have one in the Justice set when it’s main skill (not main damage dealer) is a channeling skill.

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I read all of it.
This part you are not alone. I have seen quite a lot of people say the same thing - I was going to on another thread, but so many others did, so I think the point was made.

My main issue with it is that it really needs to stand out a bit more as a new set. At the moment it is more useful to do a TR Wuko’s build with 2 pieces + RORG or this with the Wuko helm and amulet (and RORG).

For this set to really shine, I think that TR needs to have a level of damage in this set that cannot be gained any other way, except in this set.

EDIT: Additionally, then any combination with Wuko’s, only gives wukos all the SW runes or gives this set the DMG reduction, which is more in line with most class set combinations of 2+5+RORG - so neither set technically gets more benefit than the other.

I guess while I’m at it, the 4p Justice bonus, the movement speed seems unnoticeable too.

sorry to say this but I’ll stay with inna’s or wuko’s, the problem with this new set is you need to be in melee, but they do not give you any extra damage reduction and unlike wol as you use the tr you HAVE to be in the mobs face, so you get hit as you run though the mobs.

this video show how I set it up and 1 gr80 run that I made.