MONK - Gundo Gear and Uliana

Yeah like dmg is an issue yes ofc, but it is almost impossible to get any higher because your skin is like paper. everything oneshots you. so if we have more dps we can go higher but we are still dead from everything that just looks at you or comes close (melee build, just fyi)

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I absolutely agree Uliana (and Raiment) is paper…


uliana really needs some defense built into the set. instead of being required to take a belt, and bracers for the majority of there toughness


Uliana does not have SSS downtime of 5.6 seconds. FoE alone takes it that low. From there, it only takes Paragon, helm gem, Captain set, and Beacon - no stat rolls needed - to cut that in half.

With stat rolls it’s not hard to get it close to 2 sec flat. With Gogok and maxed rolls on every applicable piece, you can go as low as 1.4 sec. And you don’t need it any lower than that. You still have to generate spirit, keep up Assim and Blinding Speed and density, and move around.

If you’re taking Spirit Guards over Captain set, you’re making a serious mistake and invalidating your complaint. The extra CDR gives damage and more invulnerable casting time (and even more DPS in the process), and RCR lessens the need for generation and adds some defense too. As for the belt, what else are you expecting to put in that slot anyway?

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intersting, because doesn’t U6 have basic slots, and with Captians you need belt+boot/pants. which means you have to cube the belt and not wear it. This means you have to wear gundos. I’ll give it a shot tommarrow. but it just seems like you have to give up more then you get back from using captians set (I use that set on everything I can normally too) also you have to use RRoG, and CoE. granted in s22 you’ll be able to use F+R, but you still will be squishy between SSS’s which is where the lack of 4pc defense is noticed.

Sorry I keep getting caught off guard how people are still not using Captain, because it boosts pretty much every aspect of the build. Probably the most synergistic use of Captain, it was the first that came to my mind after the rework. You’ve been missing out!

I agree that Uliana should have native DR tho, because you need Unity (over CoE - RoRG is in the cube) with the Captain variant. But the switch is easily worth it.

And still then, it lacks damage and toughness. And snapshotting is also an issue. I wonder if they even do anything to the set…

It seems to me like the last 2 patches they brought new sets but let one of them be garbage to have something to buff in the next patch afterwards so people are happy with what they shouldve been happy a patch ago.
Its not that it wasnt already known by the community that necro would need a bracer with 300%+ damage to spears. It was suggested hard last time. And now we finally got it and everyone seems happy. But we couldve easily gotten this last patch and some serious balance this time…

Of course Crimson allows the necessary cdr more easily by bringing damage and resistance

Easy fix
60% Dammage reduction on the 4pc Uliana
Add Eternity power to Lion’s Claw for more diversity in cube
Upgrade Gundgo 400-500 %

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Buff Madstone. it is an EP and SSS item.
Make it a separate multiplier for EP

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Given existing choices/needs of setup, Madstone would still not be desirable in GRs unless the buff was kind of extreme, or unless it got reworked. It’s about the nature of the item too, not just the numbers. It’s great for a farming variant tho!

thats kind of a speedfarming item for the build.
Giving it a multiplier makes it a needed item for pushing and thats not reall cool as it also adds rorg as absolutely needed in the setup afaik…

But another multiplier for both, ep and sss is needed really. But add it on the weapons and the bracers if anything

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I actually prefer to add more damage number to gungdo gear. I do not want to be bounded by another item.


+1, exactly, no need to add another item.

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What if said item is buffed with a separate x2 multiplier?
Would you still prefer 2pc Crimson over it?

That depends, you do sacrifice lots of DR and CDR though, one need to have some extensive tests to make conclusion. It may be good for 10k paragon player, but why don’t we request x2 multiplier to the daibo or fist weapon or gungdo gear? Why would you particularly want to add it to this helm?

Like I said earlier before others got the credit for repeating it, I think it’s much better to leave Madstone for farming so that buffs would go to the push build’s current items.

No one were using Lamentation when Wrath of the Wastes was first released. Everyone were just Whirlwinding. Then when Ambo was introduced: These two items apply Rend everytime barb WWs, then explode Rend at the same time. Suddenly Ambo and Lamentation became the preferred Barb gears for GR Pushing.

Why can’t Monk have something similar that would apply EP every SSS, then explode EP at the same time?

Sure right now it is a farming item because there is no multiplier. Just like how Lamentation was before Ambo was introduced.

However, I admit, Uliana itself is lacking: 2pc, 4pc, 6pc, are all disconnected.
2pc is moot when one uses generator to gain MR and never use generator again.
4pc buffs SSS but that skill does not do main DPS.
6pc sounds cool and all, but somehow not enough DPS. Maybe SSS should be the main skill.

At any rate, I will no longer clamor for Madstone. end of story however one likes to think how it should be…


This is exactly the main problem.