Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard no dynamic change and other issues

Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard gives 200% shield based of your life regeneration per second. So If you have 10,000 Life per Second on gear you gain a 30.000 point shield after 4 seconds. If you use f.e. the Barbarian Skill Threatening Shout - Invigorate wich gives you 13,411 LpS. You would assume your shield goes up to (10,000 + 13,411) * 3 = 70,233 shield points. But that’s only the case if you activitated Threatening Shout - Invigorate before the 4 seconds taking no damage. Or if you activitate Invigorate after you got the 30.000 shields it won’t change automatically to 70,233 shield points. You have to lose the 30.000 shield points first through damage taken or unequiping the the gem with the jewelery to gain the 70,233 shield points thanks to Threatening Shout - Invigorate.

  1. You would assume that the life per second gained through the first effect of Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard would affect it’s second effect, but that’s not the case. At level 25 Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard gives you 35.000 life per second so you should have a shield of 173,255 (10,000 + 13,411 + 35,000) * 3 , but that’s never the case.

I hope that this is a bug and not intended.

*Plus one more question. Set Dungeon of Wrath of the Wastes should it fail while having shields when your attacked with a physical attack. Or should shields prevent you from failing? = Shields protecting for taking physical damage.

There are similar interactions with wizard and monk skills that have been reported for years now. No confirmation that it is intended or not, but it has not changed in years.

Shields from Wildebeest will not count for the Wrath of the Wastes Set Dungeon. If your shields gets hit, it also counts as taking physical damage for the purposes of the Dungeon achievements.

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I hope it will change.