Ive been in contact with Blizzard / tickets
They sent me here.
I did reset my password but nothing changed at the mystic.
“Please make sure you report this through the Bug forums for Diablo 3 as it seems there are quite a few people missing the transmog option in game and the bug needs to be fixed by the developers”
“The Dark Wanderer transmog having gone missing. No worries! I did some digging and see the license is on the D3 account. You should see the pieces at the mystic. If not, please try a password reset as this is the best way to ‘refresh’ licenses on the account!”
What is the name of the item you trying to xmog?
What is the name of the xmog you are expecting to see at the mystic?
it accually says what transmog it is in the title…
Dark Wanderer (Set)
That does not answer my questions.
I was trying to determine if the item you are attempting to xmog is one of the 6 pieces that has an xmog from that set. If you are trying to xmog an axe, for example, then you will not find anything there.
What is the specific name and type of item you trying to xmog?
What is the name of the xmog piece you are expecting to see at the mystic for that item?
Example: Shadow’s Burden, and Wanderer’s Burden.
Ive tried every combination with all the gear i have on all my characters and classes, head, shoulders, chest and so on…
I even tried what you said : “Example: Shadow’s Burden, and Wanderer’s Burden.”
Nothing changed at the Mystic.
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Did you pre-order Diablo II: Resurrected?
If yes, with the same account?
Hmm, I pre-ordered D2R, and I don’t have the transmogs either. Not that I paid any attention to them anyways.
hehe well someone from blizzard did say many more had problems… but sure some dont care about cosmetics
but i do i love styling my characters !
gotta look cool slaying DEMONS!
im also having this issue, support has been less than helpful and im sure this isnt going to be addressed
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I wonder what would happen if someone took them to small-claims court over something like this.
It would be a lot cheaper for Blizzard to just offer refunds than to pay a programmer to fix the bugs or show up in court, so you wouldn’t get your xmogs either way. And if you got a refund, then you would lose access to the game.
They have you over a barrel either way.
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is there a known dev we can tag here to get their attention?
Devs don’t reply on these forums and they only work on important bugs if necessary.
A cosmetic bug isn’t important, as this thread proves
Ethereal achievement not loading
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