Missing Paragon, items after season ended

In season 33 I started with a monk and got him up towards 800 Paragon points, then the “blip” happend and he got sent to normal mode. So I geared a crusader up to 1670 Paragon levels, and had a fully equipped follower, and a great amount of things in my stash. So now when in game and pressing P to access the paragon menu, it says "-906 Core, -20 Offense, -20 Defense, -Utility 20 "

How comes that after season ended, I know had 658 Paragon levels, no mail, no stash items. I have written with 2 diffrent game masters, that can’t do anything about the issue, they just told me to write it here.

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If you have 720 Paragon Points in non-Season and you earned 1686 Paragon Points in Season, when the Season ends you would have 1699 total non-Season Paragon Points. (Normally).

Note: The information above is taken from your Armory Profile. Season and non-Season haven’t been combined yet. (Although, it may not be accurate. You know… Blizzard webpage and all).

Well yeah, it should be 1699.

But shoulden’t it already been combined as soon as the season ends?`
And the stash just missing?

Like this is insanity.

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Yes. In-game. But, not on your Armory Profile. (It takes a while for the Profile to update after a Season ends).

You currently have 2 Characters on the Europe Region that I can see. They should both be non-Season at this time. On your Armory Profile one is still showing as Seasonal and the other one is showing non-Season. And they have separate Paragon Points.

Here is your Armory Profile Characters:

Your Paragon Points have slightly increased since my previous post. You can use a D3 Paragon Calculator to see how many Paragon Points you should have.

Instead of checking your Paragon Points on your Armory Profile, load one of your Characters in-game and see how many total Paragon Points you have.

You have no in-game mail?

No, no mail. All stash is gone and all of my recourses.

Paragon points still missing in game.

I am having same issue please help Blizard