My Diablo 3 game crashed while playing on PC and when I restarted I noticed my Veiled Crystal Crafting materials dropped from about 30,000 to 16. No other issues and its the first time the game froze and I had to close out and restart. I had around 30,000 of all crafting materials but my Veiled Crystals dropped to 16. Some other random ancient tems were missing from my stash but the main issue was the missing 30,000 Veild Crystals. Blizzard told me they dont handle these issues and cant restore my Veiled Crystals. Can someone from D3 or whoever please help me get these materials back.
How many account rollbacks do you have left ? if you’ve never used one, you should have 3 left.
See: Diablo III Account Rollback.
An account rollback is like a Windows Restore Point… it will put your Diablo III account back like it was on a given date. If you select the most recent rollback date and time before the crash, it should put you back to like you were just before it… minus the stuff you will have looted since. Caution – there’s no undo for an account rollback… if your Veiled Crystals are still missing… you will have wasted an account rollback for nothing.
You can read about account rollbacks here:
You could also report it as a bug, but that won’t give you back your mats… it might allow the QA Team or the Developpers to figure out what happen, however… and fix the issue so it doesn’t happen to someone else.