Many builds was fun better to play then today… I’m pretty agree with nerf talrasha but half of bonus nerf is way too much .
Then i tried dmo and twister wizzard but kinda too low buffs for me, you cant even reach 130-135 with good time .
I miss old builds like tal/vyr mandal wizz , crus Seeker of Light with his holy hammers…
Blizzard said many sets will get rebalance because were more even stronger then others, i agree with that but many sets are still way too weak and cant even compete with others .
What do you think guys ?!

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Also, is the Chuck Norris Build with Lashing Tail Kick Still Supposed to be a thing It’s pretty pathetic and depends more on Tempest Rush than LTK. It’s no fun at all.

Tals Meteor was a fun build.

Older melee wizard builds were a lot of fun.

Archon, Orb, Twister… are all boring.

I’ve lost any motivation to play with the gutting of Tals.