Hi there,
When I try to open the game, I got this error :
Failed to initialize graphics device. Please ensure your PC meets the minimum system requirements and your drivers are up to date.
I don’t really get it as I can play end-game like GW2 easily, but can’t run this game ?
I have I7 3.60GHz 4 cores X64
AMD Radeon HD 6900 series
I have both directX and drivers last ver. Don’t I get the minimal requirements with this ?
Any Q on what could cause this trouble ?
Is the error from Windows or In-Game?
The minimum requirements state an AMD Radeon HD 7850; I am not familiar with the AMD product line, but would guess from the name that your HD 6900 is one generation older than that.
However, I’m pretty sure that is just a general troubleshooting hint – the game will not actually block you from using a less-powerful card than the minimum requirements, so that in itself is not necessarily the source of your error. (Unless perhaps there is some technical feature the game uses that AMD added to the HD 7xxx generation that was not yet in the HD 6xxx generation.)
@moisturize this is happening when trying to launch the game for the first time.
@kotoko I’d not believe so. I hope they will fix this issue during the beta, since I have paid and waited a long time for it 
Yeah this is certainly below requirements which is why you got the error message.
Also glad they finally added the error message! At least it lets people have an idea why the game is crashing and they can troubleshoot.
Operating System: Windows® 10
Processor: Intel® Core i3-3250/AMD FX-4350
Video: Nvidia GTX 660/AMD Radeon HD 7850
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Storage: 30 GB
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Operating System: Windows® 10
Processor: Intel® Core i5-9600k/AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Video: Nvidia GTX 1060/AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Storage: 30 GB
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Seriously, they should consider that the market for high-end graphic card right now is very unaccessible.
Anyone know a place where i can find better graphic card than Nvidia GTX 1060 at RESONABLE prices ? I checked neweggs, but it’s way too expensive, even the refurbished card.
It’s crazy that I have to pay 900$ for an 3 years old card that barely meet the minimum for … d2 actually ?
There’s worldwide chip shortages, causing worldwide GPU shortages.
New stuff is hard to find. Old stuff is very expensive.
It’s just a bad time for gaming hardware.