[Mechanics] Davlok's Random Testing Shack 2.0


2.2k para in season? Bot?

After 3+ weeks of the season, it’s entirely possible to have more than 2K paragon purely because of playing ratruns for XP and pushing high level GRs. Botters are more likely already in the 3-4K range by now.

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There are a couple players 5k paragon now. 3-4k is doable even without a bot at this time, especially considering the covid-19 situation and people being bored at home.


I ran the numbers a bit, Shenlong-TR-POJ build is doing about 2.5 times more damage than regular one TR-Sunwuko (apart from double pylons duration, or even 5 times more damage with squirt nec), but it’s less durable


It obviously works but wouldn’t Uliana helm and shoulders be a viable way to apply EP? If you used Born’s sword and In-Geom then you’d be able to use Uliana 2 piece and have Cyclone Strike to group up for the party and proc Zodiac. Dropping SSS would free up the cube for Flying Dragon which will help apply EP even faster ( just need to find room for a generator).

No, it’s perfect build. You will not have time to do all this what you have listed. All frozen no work cyclone no time for attack uliana and no need FD lol

Diablo 3 Monk solo 137 PoJ+Shenlongs Season 20 (Rank 4/ Top 10 world) - YouTube 137 done! Rank 4

141 Push without LPH in weapon