Make refill button on controller plz

Make refill button on controller. I think controller need improve refill button like hold L3 with repair but make it can refill when cursor analog over item that can refill like Key or Tome of town portal and Tome of identify please.
thank you.

Wrong forum…


Hahahaha. Yeap, another stray in the wrong forum again. I wonder why D3 people never post question on the D2 forum. Are we more intelligent? I think we are.


Is the D2R forum is such a terrible place to discuss or asking help that people have to resort to posting in the D3 forum? :thinking:


Since you posted to the wrong board, I will try to do my best impression of the average angry D2 purist who hates everyone who wants any change to the perfection that is D2. I’ll try to make you feel right at home:

NO there can be no changes to this game at all. Controller support is already too much.

You give these entitled millennials one thing and pretty soon we’re adding ploot, more stash space and we’re taking away PvP griefing and removing bots destroying the precious economy.

Go play d3 where it doesn’t take 4000 hours to get the loot you want. We don’t want casuals taking queue spots from us real gamers!


10/10 on spot impression. :rofl:


sry my bad , wrong forum

Well, a lot of us played the original. Millenials started hitting 40 this year after all.

My controller has refill.

I press the right button and the lady friend brings me another.

Damn it was actually so spot on that it got scary. U sure u not a d2 purist?

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Yeah, we all had those dreams. :rofl: