Yeah, looks like they didn’t use the logic of the menagerie goblin which drops a pet you miss until you have them all. Instead it appears to rolls just random, and if it is a pet you have you get just nothing.
Or it rolls bloodshards of which we have enough.
111 GR runs for 50 gifts in 3 hours.
GR 10… with a bit of slack.
Edit: 103 GR runs for 50 grift in 2 hours 34 min. No Slack … no wings.
Drop rate from GR seems to be fine.
Drop rate from goblins might be different.
Every one was ancient. It was not difficult to obtain a substantial number of both rings and angelic crucibles by this stage of the season.
I only get the packages randomly in GR’s. Also, not every rift as others insinuated.
So not one vault has dropped for me with anywhere from 10-25 goblins per vault.
My post about the gifts was ~25 or so gifts, not goblins. My ancient vaults netted me anywhere from 5-15 goblins, with a couple coming close to 20 goblins, but those were outliers that I rarely come across. Still sucks losing those gifts on the first two runs because I could have used the materials.
Not sure if it should happen but I keep getting white items that I already have transmog from.
Yeah, that’s normal. You can get those white transmogs over and over. I believe that if a pet/wing drops that you already have, you instead get a glowing ore (i.e. “lump of coal”).
Sounds like goblins have a gift drop rate of maybe 5-10%. In the one ancient vault I ran, I picked up 2 gifts. And GR guardians seem to have roughly a 50% drop rate.
Unless one is sitting on a whole stash full of ancient puzzle rings, it seems like the best overall method is simply to run whatever speed GRs would be ordinary for you, since with the addition of the gifts, this activity will now yield XP / Gear / Bounty Mats / Cosmetics, all at once.
This is what I am finding too. Difficulty level does not seem to matter so if someone is just farming gifts they can do them quickly.
Yes I got that but my reply was based on the people who said several dropped in vaults. I was not hijacking, merely confirming that BLIZZARD has nerfed the drop rate ridiculously.
More likely that it was bugged to start with then fixed, rather than nerfed outright. Meaning it probably wasn’t supposed to drop a huge pile at at time.
That said.
If you are getting a chance per normal goblin, and encounter a mess of normal goblins, I suppose there is still a remote chance that you could end up with a pile of gifts. One Ancient vault last night did yield 2 gifts from two different gobs for me. But the rest has had a net result of 1 gift per Ancient Vault. And I have to agree on the others, the GRs produce on average around 1 out of 2 to 3 runs.
Not terrible.
Game on.
I had pretty much figured my initial runs were outliers. They happened literally in the first few minutes of the event going live.
I know goblins have a lower drop rate than GR guardians. Wonder if the goblin pack spawns or shrines result in drops.
One would assume so. But only for the normal treasure goblins, not the other types.
What tier(s) have you tried running? I haven’t done anything below 75, so I can’t say for sure that the drop rates might not be lower at, say, GR 1 or something like that.
I haven’t had that happen to me… yet.
I’ve seen 4 drop in a sanctified goblin vault twice and a clanmate had 5 drop a few of times as well. I haven’t heard of anyone in any of the chats say they had a ton drop, usually 1 or 2.
Since my runs were literally in the very first few minutes of the event going live, it is entirely possible that the drop rates were bugged/outliers that got fixed very quickly. All of my recent runs netted what everyone else is seeing here - maybe a couple from a vault, and about 40-50% drop rate from GR guardians (NR guardians do not appear to drop these sadly).
Sometimes, I get 0 or 2-3 presents, but I usually get 1 per sanctified vault run. Only twice did I get 4 of them from the same vault.
As per GR boss? I have gotten 1 on the first run every time. Sometimes, I got 1 right after that, but usually don’t see one drop until the 3rd or 4th GR.
So far, I haven’t seen 1 drop from a goblin in a regular rift, or from the boss.
I haven’t done any bounties yet, so I can’t comment on goblins from them.
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OK - I have now tried in all three regions in vaults … Americas doesn’t want to randomly drop at all for me in ten… Europe does one of two (Go figure?) … Asia did three, got one in first two and five in the third.
So it seems you are right on he money - total RNG on Goblins and I agree with the GR’s, it definitely seems like 50|50.
Thanks for the thread.
This is the default (baseline) allocation:
This part is random and is found in ths Misc. section regarding drops:
Lumps of coal = glowing ore.
I’ve found two glowing ore so far indicating I had two transmog drops that had already been obtained by me. I suspect I’ll likely get virtually nothing other than materials, shards, and ores since I’ve found pretty much every transmog offered in the gifts prior to the event starting (I did a loooooooooooooooot of grinding, especially for the cosmic wings).
I haven’t had an empty box yet.
They have all had something in them. Just because you haven’t gotten what you wanted yet doesn’t make them empty.
I mean the bounty mats alone are worthwhile… lol
And you have till FEBRUARY.