Yeah, it looks like they massively nerfed the drop rates on these. Additionally I’m getting hardly any goblins in the ancient vaults now.
Thanks for the flag all.
We have identified the issue and have noted it here on the Bug Report forum. D3 Holiday Event - Being away can lead to gifts disappearing - Bug Report - Diablo 3 Forums (
RE: Nerfed Drop Rates - We did not adjust drop rates.
Dang. Thanks for the post! This is a really strange bug, but glad it’s been noted/confirmed.
Keep your gifts safe from the Grinch ya’ll!
I don’t think that’s a bug but an unintentional side effect to a small script.
When Greater Rift Guardian is dead, and you manage to town portal away, any and all Elites that are still alive from activating a Pylon with Nemesis, simply vanish. I think same thing unintentionally must have applied here and make the gifts deleted in the process. If Holiday Gifts are mistagged with Greater Rift Guardian’s presence or lack there of, some scripting issue would call this flag. Nobody could guess that until they see this post though, so good call.
It happens in vaults too, so it isn’t necessarily tied to the presence of a guardian. I wasn’t even in town long enough to AFK. I was there long enough to spam right click to gamble rings, salvage them, and return to pick up the gifts only to find them gone. Took all of about 25 seconds for them to poof. Made me a sad panda.
It should be noted that Greed’s chamber had not yet been entered and thus she was still alive and no exit timer was activated for the vaults.
Are you sure? TheTias mentions a “ton” and “a screenful” in an ancient vault run, then hardly in later runs. I just ran my first couple ancient vaults since the event went live and I have not gotten any.
I know, I have read your post well, I was just doing some recalls to any vanishing script that already exist in the game. Once GR Guardian is dead any alive entity in the Greater Rift itself get deleted the instant you step into town portal; there’s no timer or a countdown. Mine is just a wild estimation of a guess without knowing the proper background code of things.
You can easily mistag an entity under another (ie. put Holiday Gift under GR Guardian loot table to have it strongly recall it) instead of creating a unique tag, then attach this to another entity (ie. Goblins with % chance to call this specific Gift loot in the GR Guardian’s loot table), hence problem exist in some level across any situation.
Also I haven’t found any Gifts in Ancient Vault either, but I managed to miss a few goblins by scaring them beyond closed doors, which I have no idea how I done that.
Some skills go through walls. Thankfully multishot does not (usually).
I’ll need to find several more puzzle rings, but there are three possibilities:
- Drop rates were in fact nerfed. For now I’m discounting this until I’ve done more runs to try and weed out RNG pendulum swings. Well that and I take Pez at his word, especially since he has no reason to lie to us.
- I’m having the aforementioned RNG pendulum swings. RNG’s a fickle beast like that sometimes.
- There is an actual difference, due to either a bug or a purposeful change Pez wasn’t made aware of, between naturally ancient puzzle rings and those that are made ancient via the Angelic Crucibles. The run where I had lots of gifts and goblins was from a naturally ancient puzzle ring and the barren runs were from AC imbued puzzle rings. If I continue to get pathetic results via the AC’d rings vs. normal ancient rings, then this would be the most likely reason why. Needs further testing though, preferrably by a lot of people.
I have a few normal ancient rings in non-season. I go run 2 real quick back to back and report on that.
Welcome to join me? lol (psssst, you aren’t on my friend list anymore… lol)
Leviathan too if they want.
I said this on the bug thread, but I have never seen a large multi drop of them. I have only gotten 1 gift for every Ancient vault I have ran. HOWEVER, I have not ran an ancient vault using an already Ancient or Primal version of the ring. So… I have 5 of those in my normal side of the game. Saving some for a friend to run with me on, but will sacrifice two for testing.
Edit: I’ve done 5 crucibled rings, and I got a total of 2 gifts across all runs. I haven’t tried any natural ancients or regulars.
Second edit: and then on my next one I got 7.
Can confirm this. It happened to me, Went to empty inventory and when i went back the consumable icon was gone.
I often post in the General section first even if it’s a bug or a tech issue since this where most of the forum traffic is.
That’s what I’m doing too and I have run two greater vaults with zero gifts. This would explain it.
Yeah, but even doing that I still managed to get at least one. I don’t normally see items disappearing.
For the record, they won’t show as a consumable. They will show on the ground as Holiday Gift with a green (set item) mini map icon.
It seems that drop rate gets lower over time just like it was for EN keys.
I have now run several Vaults (puzzle rings/Kanai)…
Most parents know to never give their child a toy that is broken unless the child expressly ask for it that way because they intend to try to fix it.
No wonder so many people went over to Diablo Immortal.
“On the first day of Christmas BLIZZARD gave to me, a gift that disappears faster than Chenoble trees”.
Get your act together BLIZZARD. I really want to swear at you BLIZAARD for the instant nerfing reactions you have displayed for so many years, but really, you are not worth my time. It’s more productive to watch paint dry and besides, it achieves NOTHING, like your “Christmas Gift”.
I have now had one ancient vault with 7 gifts (none had any item) and 6 vaults with zero gifts (looking for them on the way). Drop rates are kind of weird.
Has anybody got a pet he already has? It looks like the gift just yields no item then.
Were they ancient vaults?
I mean there is obviously some RnG at work here, but if you have less goblins to kill in the vault, the potential drops are going to be less.
If you already have all the pets, then no, you won’t get a pet drop. Or that was how I read what they said about it.
Same probably goes for the transmogs and wings. If you already have those, then why would they drop?
However just for the bounty mats alone the gifts are worth the effort.
Basically every normal goblin you kill or GR RG you kill you get a chance for gift to drop. Farming these aren’t going to be that hard.
The only reason anyone is farming Vaults (especially ancient ones) is because you can get a few to a lot of goblins in it, increasing your drop chances. Not to mention being able to farm gobs off of the boss.
Game on.
Wings and pets likely don’t drop if one already has them all but transmog items definitely do drop. I can personally confirm this. Today I recieved Quinquennial Sword from a gift even though I had the transmog unlocked.