[Main Thread] Windows 19041 - Freezing for 5-10 seconds

The fmode error causes freezes and not latency issues.

Same I could play League of Legends, Overwatch, Minecraft, Killing Floor 2. Basically any other game with no lag or freezes or fps drops. I only get random freezes and crash to desktop from Daiblo 3. There’s no way its an issue with my ISP, and looking at all these complaints it has to be an issue on their side.

Where is official fix? Can we at least get another blue post about the D3 team “working on a fix”? Hellooooooooooo??? This season maybe?

There is no doubt that this is a diablo 3 only issue. This topic exists since 1.5 years now. For many people the fixes didn’t help and blizzard still didn’t fix it. It’s a shame. This is the reason why I don’t play HC anymore and even think about stopping completely. In my 30 years of playing games and beeing a fan of blizzard specificly I never had such silly issues.
This has to stop.

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Well this is not true. The real reason behind the problems is your Operating System (or parts of it). If you would google Fmod issues for development you would quickly realize that microsoft messed it up. In every developer space there is problems with it. Soundengineering, gamedevelopment etc.

First problems with diablo3 however showed up when microsoft introduced windows 1809 with an updated sound system. (oct 2018)

Back then setting the soundchannels to “lowest” ingame fixed the majority of issues.

Diablo3 is using fmod as Sound engine, which relies on c++ libraries currently using the 2015 distributable. Since win10 2004 released 6/2020 microsoft decided to change how distributables work, they merged the 2015/2017/2019 C++ Redistributables together so that you would only ever need one of them and not on a specific location. At this point everything started to escalate pretty hard.

The lag/freeze that occurs is just the delay/inability of the Fmod.dll finding its library counterpart on your disk.

All games using Fmod as sound engine are more or less affected, a list of games that are using fmod can be found on the fmod wikipedia entry (its alot cant post links)

League of Legends for example switched its sound engine because of this.

Using a windows 10 version prior to 1809 fixes close to every major problem with the game. Such as Fmod delay and not properly working ingame FPS cap.

There is nothing Blizzard can do, but maybe switch to a different sound engine. Its not the games fault, its microsofts.

But you yourself can do alot of things. Running win10 1709 or find a c++ package that places the files at a place easy to find for your fmod.dll. I got one, but since its based on an executable that also does a little more i really shouldnt share it on official d3 forums. But i give a hint its available at majorgeeks


I even wrote that I did all the fixes(including FMOD) and it doesn’t help at all. I know that issue for 1.5 years and did all the fixes. It also has nothing to do with my system. Lets say theoretically you’re right and the reason for the issue is a win update then it’s up to the game developer to remove that issue, not for the user to use old win core updates so it can work.

Also: I tested it on MANY systems (I’m a self employeed IT guy myself and have a ton of hardware lying around and a ton of systems) and the issue exists on all systems.

You yourself said that LOL switched the sound engine because of it so why isn’t blizzard doing it?

I never use sound in D3 anyway so it always was disabled and then I even did the FMOD fix - again - without improvement.

My main computer alone is worth 4k+ and I can play ANY game absolutely 100% lag free with 144 fps capped (to hz) and CSGO with 500+ fps. There isn’t even one single other game out of 250 I played since these 1.5 years which had any lag, stuttering or anything else at all.

So nice that it worked for you - and some others - but for a ton of people it doesn’t work and it’s not a user or microsoft issue (even when it first was because of a microsoft update, game developer have to adapt to that and not vise versa).

Well Diablo3 is quite old, the effort to reverse engineer Diablo3 to fix Microsofts or Fireflights (company that did fmod) mistakes which are also present everywhere not just in d3 is quite costly, there’s not such a thing like “lifetime support” for games. Most games end up not being functional on far newer OS builds, thats quite common and the usual route. Often you cant even install them anymore without emulators or ports/refreshes.

With League of Legends riot is shuffling alot of Money its a completely different thing.
Diablo3 doesnt have that financial backup with microtransactions that LoL has.

And in this case your Hardware doesnt matter, its not a compatibility issue or hardware issue at all. Its just the Windows build you use which makes your game not working good with the engine thats being used.

Paying alot of money for hardware doesnt fix every issue, and no you cant play any game without issues without fiddling yourself, you may play any modern game without issues but thats about it. There are games out there that cant even run on win10 at all.

Solutions are in this thread, if you dont want to make use of them, you are free to do what you want. You can also have the opinion that it sucks and that the world should be a better place nothing wrong with that. Only thing i did was explaining why its happening, and why it probably wont ever get fixed and why there wont be any reliable workaround for this other than installing a way older windows build or heavily mod how your directories of c++ redistributionals are being used.

The only reason the “fmod workaround” works for some is because it usually hinders the game to use its sound engine. There is no “update your fmod.dll blizzard” that wont work at all, newer versions are also affected by this or even much worse.


@ Jambrix
@ Zuvykree
Surely you can contact someone to help us out? Can’t just ignore us forever lol. Or at least let us know its gonna be impossible to fix.

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well the problem will probably clear itself up with w11 and uninstalling c++ redistributable 2015/2017/2019 and instead using the c++ 2022 redistributable.

this might also be a possible fix for the latest win10 build, but my testing introduced other bugs… when doing so.

So, what surprises me is that it’s been exactly a year and it is still broken :smiley:
Thanks to those who suggested replacing

msvcp140.dll (got it from visual studio 2019)
vcruntime140.dll (got it from visual studio 2019)
fmodex64.dll (got it from starcraft)

The last one is what actually did the trick for me, however, playing the game without any sound is such a bummer T_T How come it still hasn’t been addressed?

Hey folks - wanted to share that we’re planning a PTR Pop-up tomorrow to dig deep into this issue.

We created a thread here to gather all we can and aim to address/fix this issue as soon as possible:



It is strange. I play with my son on the same gig speed wifi connection. His computer is low budget and mine is much better. Using the same internet, I freeze all the time playing with him and he does not have any problems whatsoever with game freezes. I turned down all the options that I could think of to make the game run smoothly (e.g. video settings, etc…) with no luck.

Please use Windows 10 20H2 and 21H1 for the test.
And please test firebird with explosion , mirror images and Area damage .
As far as I know, the errors do not occur with Windows 10 19xxx .
Thank you :wink:

please,please let this PTR patch resolve this annoying issue, my wiz is dying so much GR pushing is impossible.

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Hope it will finally get fixed.


after 2 years they are looking into it :rofl:


is that problem fixed?it’s Auguest 4th 2021 now; it’s already 1 year

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that’s a funny point; ok i am deal with that;but how about AH? did blizzard fix it?so diablo 2 is 8 player game plus you can PK and you can trade; but diablo 3 you cant because ah has bug;and they dont want to fix it ;they just delete it :slight_smile: now new bug come out we dont want to fix it;because d2 and d4 is come out; so say “go to hell” to diablo 3 players?

You dont need area damage in paragon to get these masssive freezes while playing FB wizard…and it is not only Windows 10 related.
I play D3 on two different systems with the same Windows 10 Pro versions…on my desktop PC with AMD Ryzen 5900X, RTX 3080 and Asrock Taichi B550 mainboard I have NO freezes when i play FB wizard. Nothing. It really runs quite smooth.
When I play on my 17" Razor Notebook with Intel CPU and mobile RTX 2080 on the same Blizz account with the same D3 settings and the same Windows 10 Pro version I get 10-15 sec freezes like hell. Not a single GR is playable without multiple freezes, even with no area dmg in gear and paragon! Both systems have the same Nvidia driver versions, clean Win 10 Pro and driver installs…
So this can’t be a Windows 10 issue only, it must be also hardware/driver related!
Thats why not every player suffers from this freeze problem…

im sorry but EVERY ONE knows what is wrong FMOD i mean is it really that hard to understand ? im just wondering if they are really that … , people already know’s why the lag is because of area dmg / 100000000000000000 dmg per tick and that is on your servers but playing and the freeze is from FMOD sound problem . If you really don’t understand or fix that then WOW lol

im sorry, but exchanging the Fmod (with the batch script of course) doesn’t do ape sh*t for me ,so stop it right there.

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