Mac testing for D3 PTR

I think I saw in the PTR patch notes that testing would be conducted for the new Apple Silicon Macs. This is great news. I have always wondered why Blizzard dropped Apple support while POE offers support for Mac users. Last Epoch also dropped support. Is it likely that once they work out the kinks, D4 will also be supported for Mac users?

D3 was released in 2012. PoE was released in 2013. Similar vintage, similar supported platforms. Macs were using Intel which made life a bit easier for developers.

Having said that, I see PoE 2 will support macOS so perhaps your conjecture has merit? As a former macOS D3 player (my trusty 2015 MBP self-immolated playing D3!), it’d be good for them to support it again. I was frustrated by the lack of games on macOS and have been enjoying being back on a Windows-based environment for the variety of games as much as anything else.