Hi, i got one little suggestion/question for players or, maybe Great Korean God of Luck and Random will smile to me, and someone like Blizz worker will see this post and this Idea will get further.
So. When we get Diablo 1, its story was to short as for me, but IT WAS, and it was something unusual for that time.
Then we get Diablo 2, and it was little bit dark Heroic fantasy rpg with 1 more page of story, than Diablo 1.
We got Diablo 3, and 5 more pages of story + randomly droping scrolls with parts of the lore, and Sanctuary becomes “more closer” for us.
There is still only R. Knaak’s “The Sin War” Trilogy, and i’m still dont know is it part of lore, or it is not.
And “soon” (When its done) We will see Diablo 4.
We can see behind dark picture, that world hugely digradated for some reason. Maybe we will know why, maybe “its just arpg, no one need it. Just keep calm and click-click the Diablo”.
But, as soon as it become mostly like MMO, we need a huge pack of stories.
Warcraft got it. And from RTS, it becomes MMO RPG with a story, which is interesting, even if you’ll start read it or watch it from begining till now.
But Diablo universe got pure Lore Base. And ut seems that no one cares about it.
You guys got 2 years min till it done.
Why not to write a stories? U got some authors in your team, is it not time for them to fullfill the Diablo Universe?
Heroes of Past, Gods, Wars, anything to make Diablo Univers alive. I think everyone tired of killing pour Diablo, and here is Diablo-Girl for punch, but it is the same.
Why funfics are more dark and more detailed then the Lore of the game? Even 5 page storyies on main page are more deep and cruel (even without bloody action) then story, which are made by Huge Team of people, who got a money for it?
Blizzard was always known for Interesting Storyes in every game.
But whats wrong now guys?