Loot Filters please

meh, people will use loot filters regardless.

just a matter of if theyre supported by blizzard, or introduced via third party tools, which will lead people to using third party tools (1.09 people LEGITIMATELY used mousepads maphack for the inspect feature KEKW)

Never heard of people using hacked lootfilters in D2.

In singleplayer you won’t need hacks, because there will be mods. In the ladder, I doubt, that it will be easy to get a hacked lootfilter.

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why competitive advantage?? Everyone can use them, thats just silly it simply gets rid of some screen clutter thats all, and can choose to use or not. Ive played with on and off on PoD they work great and no major advantahe or disadvantage simply less screen clutter its great

They already have an item spacing option. This shouldn’t be an issue.

No loot filters necessary.

Would like a loot filter too. But IF there will be a lootfilter, it has to be more than “blue”, “yellow”, “unique” items, since some bases got interesting “blue” items (such as an blue amulet, which can have like 3 pala combat sks + 100 life on it) and other totally useless (like lower types of different weapon types)

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