Loot don't appear in clan chat

I’ve noticed this like from a week ago when the servers are down, and it seems like it triggered this bug not showing the loot I identify in the clan chat. Does anyone have any solotions for this, or do I need to wait for Blizzard to fix it?

One thing you can check:

  1. Open your Clan Window.
  2. Click on the News tab.
  3. Click Settings (the gear icon).
  4. Check the box for Items if you want items to show in Chat.
  5. Uncheck the box for Items if you don’t want items to show in Chat.

The image below shows the Items box unchecked. So, my Clan’s items will not show up in my Chat Window.

If that doesn’t work or it’s already checked, I don’t know what else to tell you. (Sorry).

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You appear to be an EU player. In which case, I’d direct you to issues with clans being investigated over on the EU Technical Support forum…

…add your details to that so support knows your clan’s affected.