Looking for new people to play with

Hii, i’m currently leveling a 58 wizard (seasonal).
And i’m getting bored cuz i have to do it alone, so is there anyone who would like to join me for some seasonal leveling?

The real challenge in a game is when you have to work to make your way up… If you have to get help for levelling, imo, I don’t see how you can enjoy playing !

I don’t see what’s wrong with wanting to play multiplayer?

This far into a season, the quickest way to get your seasonal hero from 1-70 is to just ask for a Level 1-70 boost in the in-game General Chat. Someone would take you through 2-3 Torment 6 rifts and you’d be 70 in around 10 minutes. If you ask them nicely, they’ll probably take you through a couple of GRs afterwards too and you’ll have some gear to play with, and a few hundred paragon points to spend.

Also, as you’re posting this on the US forums, you should also mention your hero is on EU.