Looking for clan

I mainly want an active casual clan that is focused on just having a good time, I have to work a lot so if there are any participation requirements then I wont be able to join, thanks.

Stone2089 you sound like a perfect fit for TADA (The Average Diablo Adventurer) clan. We are mostly a casual bunch with only a few high pushers. We have no level requirements or class requirements. The only requirement is you enjoy the game and have fun.

I’m going to go ahead and send you an invite. If you’d like to give us a try great. If not feel free to decline the invitation. I do suggest you do join a clan, even if not TADA, Its so much more fun to play with friends rather than strangers.


I just started playing again after Diablo 3 first came out. Im level 70 demon hunter, but i’m completely lost on what to keep and what to toss for equipping.
I also need help with where to put points, because i am using too much resource.
If your clan has patience. I would like to join. I want to have fun only. This is the only game i play.

I haven’t played d3 in years. Level 70 demon hunter looking for a clan with patience. I don’t know where to put points, what to equip my character with.

Annaesque, for you to join another clan you’ll first need to leave the one you’re in now. A player can be in only one clan at a time. If you’d like to join TADA (The Average Diablo Adventurer) I can send you an invite but you’d have to leave AVALONMIST. Being a clan of 1 with you the clan leader and only member you’ll probably have to disband the clan.