Looking for advice to progress passed GR 105ish

I’m running [Masquerade + Crimson](maxroll .gg/guides/masquerade-bone-spear-necromancer-guide#:~:text=Bone%20Spear%20Necromancer%20is%20by,role%20in%204%2Dplayer%20groups) on my necro, except I’m doing devour + cannibalize instead of blood rush, then frailty+aura (because I am horrible at curses across the board–never, ever, ever remember to cast them), and shatter on Bone Spear instead of blighted marrow because it’s a lot harder to aim on console and line up mobs. I’m paragon 738. Just finished GR 103, took about 12 minutes to get through it with a few deaths. I’ve never gotten this far before.

Since my playstyle (and aura choice, which I think compliments my Bane of the Trapped) tends to put me front and center with all the baddies, I’ve gone with Templar instead of Enchantress for the added life. I’m using Zei’s, which is great when I can put some distance between me and my target. But I can’t really do that a lot, so I feel it’s wasted. After my templar’s protect and my Final Service passive are up, I’m pretty well one-shot by a bunch of range mobs, such as succubi.

Just wondering if anyone has advice. [I’ve painstakingly pieced together my build on Maxroll (eff you Nintendo + Blizzard for not letting me share my builds).](maxroll. gg/d3planner/453638935) Except I didn’t have time to do the follower. Take the main page’s (above) Nephalem Rift build for the Enchantress, and stick it on the templar with rubies everywhere.

I am thinking I don’t need Zei’s since I am close quarters a lot but don’t know what to replace it with. Just wondering what else I can change/improve. My boots are my only Primal, let me know what you think you’d change on them.

I’m really no Masquerade Bone Spear expert but can run speed run GR 105s on console and can hopefully be of some help.

First thing that comes to mind, which has nothing to do with your gear, is whether you believe yourself to be playing the build correctly in terms of rotation. I say that because my initial struggles with the build were very much due to me not pulling enough enemies and not timing my Dislocation cast with the physical cycle of the Convention of Elements. Are you getting that timing down as you should?

As for your gear, I noticed you seem to be stacking some critical chance and critical damage but completely lack in physical damage increase and area damage which are super important as well. Having chosen to go for the Captain Crimson’s version of the build you should also consider stacking some cooldown reduction for the damage boost you get from Captain Crimson’s but also for the great benefits you get in terms of mobility (more Blood Rushing) and damage increase (more Dislocation cast = more 3x bonus of Krysbin’s Sentence).

When it comes to your squishiness, you could try replacing Cannibalize with Voracious and see if you manage to keep up the stacks which give you up to 50% damage reduction thanks to the Captain Crimson’s bonus.

I’ll also throw out that I am now playing a completely different, non-meta, ranged version of the build which I’ve found myself having great success with and I believe is a great fit for console. Let me know if you’d be interested in trying that out, but most importantly, let me know if you manage to crack that GR 103. Good luck, man. :slight_smile:

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Thank you!!

I hit 105 and have dead-walled it several times.

I’m very interested in your build.

I admit I have completely ignored my convention of the elements. Diablo is my go-to non-thinking game. I get into a groove and I just smash till it’s all dead. Admittedly not the best approach once you start hitting higher GRs. My favorite build by far is LoD Rat, because I can literally just run 100mph around everything spamming bone armor + dislocation and pop mages as soon as my essence is >2/3 full and everything just pops. I can’t get above a GR70 on it though, not for lack of damage–my damage is insane-- but because I’m so easily one-shot – LoD Rat is extremely squishy. At least as far as I’ve been able to make it. Investigating options to make it more durable without sacrificing too much mobility and dps. It is perfect for farming GR keys and crafting mats, though. Boon 50 and a T14 rift really make for a good time, especially wide open maps.

Anyway. As far as getting higher than 105, I’m open to any suggestions. I have both an aughild and a crimson set. Admittedly I’m still figuring out the stat priorities. I think that’s a big reason for my lack of progress. So much RNG, though, hard to get what I’m looking for. Once I have too many skills in rotation though doesn’t matter the build, it falls flat. I have a Rathma build too, but having to cast bone armor, command skellingtons, and AotD frequently makes it less enjoyable because I can’t just go on auto-pilot. It has a very stop and go playstyle too, where I do nothing till AotD is back up, which I have a lot of CDR so it’s not bad especially with Jesseth up, but still not super enjoyable for its complexity (such that it is).

Sorry for the late reply. How are things going for you and have you managed to get past GR 105?

Instead of simply writing my guide in this thread I figured I might as well write it out properly on DiabloFans. Check out the build and let me know what you think:

www DOT diablofans DOT com/builds/109135-console-masquerade-bone-spear-speed-gr-115 :wink:

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Hi LeBaron!

Interesting choice of skills! I will give it a try. Is the skeletal mages worth it just for the corpse consumption?

By the way, this is my build for speeds, for anyone wanting to take a look. I can farm consistently GR110-115 and the only time i need to keep an eye over my essence is during the rift guardian fight. That is why during the boss fight, i only throw spears during my cold rotation and usually it takes just one rotation of cold (4 seconds) to kill the guardian. The ring in the cube that doenst appear on the planner is the Ring of Royal Grandeur…


As opposed to other bone spear builds that usually exist on guides,

Pros :
-Very easy to play.
-Few buttons to press, curses and corpse consumption are automated.
-Very fast and mobile, perfect for other activies like keys and bounties.
-You don’t rely on bone armor dislocation. Instead frostburns, and zeis stone are enough to proc Krysbin sentence pretty much all the time. That’s why i took the cold rune for bone armor for even more speed.
-No need to get cooldown reduction on your gear.

-It has a ceiling. At some point you fail to kill a rift guardian with a full essence bar and this is your indication that you should lower the difficulty or replace a skill with a generator which i don’t like doing when i am going for full speed. That’s why it is more speed-oriented and less effective for high pushing cause monsters do not die fast enough to refill your essence all the time in those high greater rifts.
-Dark reaping passive is 100% mandatory.

That being said, i am using the Enchantress as my main follower, and i prefer having amplification which buffs the cold element in my case, as well as attack speed buffs.

Ive played Bone Spear the last three seasons and have tried almost every combo, you will not progress much farther if you kept using shatter, Blighted marrow is the highest damage Spear you can use. I use Crimsons because mainly ,its smoother to play. If you go Crimsons, stack cdr for damage increase and resourse reduction for damage reduction. Use the follower enchantress for more ccr. Load down with crit chance and crit damage on rings and amulets, poison damage on bracers, and bone spear damage on every available piece. Cube Razeth’s Vision for more damage reduction. You need to get at least 50% crit chance and 400-450% cit damage too for it to shine with damage.