Looking for 3 players to record a Season Start demonstration

It would have to be tonight, as the season ends tomorrow.

And it would need to be on a server you haven’t played, thus your altar won’t affect your power. I want to give a realistic expectation, and unfortunately, you cannot turn off powers. One common complaint in leveling demonstrations is how the player has too much gold/xp/whatever, so this way, they know it’s from a fresh start.

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I mean, I have like 10+ CR caches on NA, didn’t play the season there yet. Could make a “fresh” start.

However, you can only “emulate” the same season theme.

Ethereals are pretty specific as they can drop from lvl 1 (technically, more like from lvl 10+) and they can speed up your season leveling immensely (with or without opening a CR cache).

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What exactly is the point of the demonstration?
Did you find someone? (I’m a slowbie, so just curiosity)

I find that

  • playing in a group is a massive advantage due to scaling
    • and spreading mob damage, kiting, CC, auras, magic find, sharing loot
  • starting with Zoltun Kulle is a practical exploit (solo even)
    • without, above Hard you bottleneck around 5-10, still naked
    • with it, you get starting gear and keep the momentum
    • I say exploit because it’s very specific but it’s accepted and the way to do it
  • looting a legendary usually boosts things massively
    • knowledge about priorities can help
    • plus of course the cube

About every season there is a thread that’s good for education.
If that’s the point in video format, sounds great.

I’m aware this is super basic but I suspect the demonstration is not about extreme optimisation among the elite but people like me making excuses and claims. Hence the thought about education.

ps.: For me I think the absolute biggest time waste is loot. If I could pick any power from the altar first, I’d pick the automatic loot & salvage. I feel like I may need the best loot for my level (hence not picking +xp either until 70) but it might actually be faster to handle upgrades differently.

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It was a group to demonstrate how to get Death’s Breath and reach Level 18+ (so you can farm diamonds) within 15 minutes of a Season Start with minimal effort, and without use of a Challenge Cache (for those who want to save theirs for the altar).

Though, it’s more for players with some knowledge of the game vs casual players though, not extreme optimization. But I do use some lesser-known game mechanics.

Thankfully, I managed to find some players.