Lol chris wilsons statement on D:I

so in an interview with some aussie i forgot his name chris wilson said “nobody will play diablo immortal, we are all playing path of exile” then i go to the main page of D:I and it has 30 million registered users. funny how absorbed the CEO of POE is in his own project, like it’s baby jesus of ARPG’s.

  • What’s the peak POE 1,2 concurrent player count for D1?
  • What’s the peak D1,2,3 concurrent player count on Day 1?
  • (TBD) What’s the peak D:I concurrent player count on Day 1?

Also, Week 1, Month 1, Year 1, and Overall numbers would be needed to do a fair comparison.
(All numbers should include Expansions)

The funny thing is they also made PoE Mobile and it hasn’t been released yet.

He’s playing. Or at least a few in GGG are. if not, they are doing a disservice to their game and fans. Just like Diablo devs play all sorts of other ARPGs. But yeah, his comments just reek of manbaby.

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Chris Wilson: :thinking: :thinking:

Everyone is playing LA actually, PoE is dead.

and that won’t last long. Bots Ark is chock full of bots and cheaters and the company likes it like that. A lot of us went there because of the ARPG combat. DI will fulfill that nicely I’m betting.

OP you might want to at least try and keep up. CW sent an email to WC apologizing for is inappropriate comment. At any rate you are 100% correct, CW made a fool of himself with that comment.


Really? First time reading that…Got a source for that?

He was talking about it in an interview with Lord Fluffy and ThaPchild on the New Meta Podcast the other day.

Oh…why would he do that? What prompted him, I wonder. :thinking:

No one is playing LA anymore. It’s down like 80-90% from launch. So much for another one of your D4 killers.


Registered users for a free game and actual players of said game in not the same thing though. Not saying no one will play it, but I’m registered for tons of games I don’t play anymore/games I tried and disliked.


He probably realized what a failure he is. He’s an one-trick pony and only has one game under his belt that he’s been milking for a decade. And he stole all the ideas for it from a much older game his competitor made.

Inb4 you say “but he’s made more games before GGG”…as if that would matter since no one’s heard of them or playing them now.

He’s right

No human will play Diablo immortal

Only cows and whales

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Why make a new game when you still have a a healthy income from the one you already have? Rather have one quality game from a dev than mass produced new garbage every year.


Well the true test is who’s playing after a month. Not sure who will win out on that end; Immortal or PoE. Probably PoE. But you never know, I guess. Lost Ark is P2W and still has a large following. More than PoE. Seems to be the inevitable future, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Immortal has more staying power. Will be interesting to see.

PoE is overly complex and Immortal looks like a child’s game – so there might not even be any real demographic crossover.

Because his one game IS garbage.

PoE and Immortal are targeting wildly different players it seems.
Which is probably also what Chris Wilson meant. PoE wont lose any significant playerbase to D:I, and vice versa.


If it was I don’t see how he could be in a position to have been “milking it for a decade”.